Happy Pinay Mommy

How moms can treat chronic joint pain

Treatment options for chronic joint pain.
Treatment options for chronic joint pain.

Moms like us can suffer from chronic joint pain, and like anyone experiencing this, we will do all that we can for relief. This pain can be debilitating, and keep you from doing what you love. There are many treatment options out there. You will just have to take your time and find the ones that work best for you.

Below are some suggestions that will help you to relieve joint pain.

Pharmaceutical Options:

There are many pharmaceutical options out there today. These will help to alleviate the pain that you are suffering from. Drugs include opioids for pain, and drugs for inflammation like NSAIDS. The benefits of these drugs are that they can help to get rid of the pain for a while, and they can help control the inflammation in your joints. They do have some side effects though. Prescription pain medication can cause constipation issues, as well as some other health issues. These types of drugs also have an addiction risk. If it does become an issue there are places for rehab in the Seattle region and across the USA. You will need to work closely with your doctor to ensure that you do not have any problems with this type of option.

Over the Counter Remedies:

There are many over the counter remedies that may help with arthritis and chronic joint pain. You will want to do your research and speak with your doctor before doing anything, even over the counter options. These include things like CBD oil, glucosamine, essential oils, and herbs. These non prescription treatments are generally all natural, with minimal side effects. There are a few cons to this type of treatment. Certain over the counter options can interact with pharmaceutical medication, so you will need to speak with your doctor beforehand. They can also be expensive depending on what you use. All in all, though, there are a variety of OTC options that may help alleviate your pain.

Physical Therapy And Massage:

If you are suffering from joint pain, another option that you can try is physical therapy and massage. A therapist can work to help move your ailing joint around. This can improve circulation and help to alleviate pain. Massage can help as well, and will often improve the joint issue. The downside to this option is that physical therapy, as well as massage, take time. You will need to do this frequently to get any benefits. This option may be expensive as well, but if you have health insurance, this may be covered under your insurance.

Treating Joint Pain With Food:

This treatment option is a wonderful way to improve your pain level simply by adjusting the way you eat. If you are overweight, this can add to your joint pain symptoms. Your joints do not need to be carrying around any extra weight. Losing a few pounds, by dieting can help you to feel better and to alleviate pain. There are also many foods that are full of antioxidants. Foods like blueberries can help you to have a reduction in pain and inflammation. Consider doing some research into possible food treatment options. You can create a wonderful diet plan that will help you to lose weight and decrease the inflammation in your body.

It is never easy dealing with joint pain. It seems like there are days when you cannot get relief. One treatment option may not work for you. You may have to try several different treatment options to see which works best for your arthritis and chronic pain. Try some of these treatments today to see if you can experience relief.

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A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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