Being a mom can get you sleep deprived, but still there are times when you CAN already rest from mommy duties and can already sleep, yet you cannot just doze off. Getting a good night’s sleep is really important for moms to feel at their best, and it is vital to helping your body function properly, too. Most people (including tired mothers) however, do experience times when they find it hard to get to sleep, wake frequently in the night, or simply can’t get that well-rested feeling that comes with quality sleep. If you have a problem with chronic insomnia rather than occasional sleeplessness, the best thing to do is talk to your doctor. However, if you are experiencing sleep problems from time to time, these tips can help encourage good, relaxing sleep.
Make Your Room As Comfortable As Possible
Lots of things can interfere with sleep, including light, noise, being too hot or cold, or simply not being able to get comfortable in bed. If any of these are a problem in your room, you should look to address them as they could be the source of your sleep troubles. Get comfortable bed linen, look at ways to block out light, and consider using earplugs or a white noise machine if you can’t stop the noise.  If your mattress is uncomfortable, it’s also worth upgrading to a new model. This won’t just help you sleep better, but will improve your health during the day as well.
Have a Routine
You may think having a bedtime is for children, however, getting into a nightly routine and going to bed around the same time can help signal to your body and mind that it is time to rest. Add something relaxing into your bedtime routine, like having a warm drink, reading for a while, watching something calming on TV, or taking a bath, to help you go to bed in an already calm state. Don’t try and switch gears from doing something energetic, stressful or very focused to resting – make sure you leave a good gap between working, exercising, or other more stimulating activities before bed. It is also best to avoid trying to sleep right after your main meal, as digestion can cause sleep disruption.
Avoid Alcohol, Cigarettes and Caffeine
Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and consuming caffeine during the evening can make it harder for you to fall asleep, and stay asleep. Because of this, it’s best to avoid consuming them where possible. You’ll also want to consider how late you eat your evening meal. Eating a heavy meal late at night will cause your body to work overtime to digest it, and this too can make it hard for you to fall asleep. Where possible, avoid eating large meals in the two to three hours before you go to bed. If you do find you’re still hungry, eat a small snack such as a cracker and a glass of milk.
‘Reset’ if You Can’t Fall Asleep
If you can’t fall asleep, get up for five minutes and have a drink of water, use the bathroom, or perform some other minor task, then go back to bed. This can help you reset the act of going to bed, rather than feeling as if you have been lying awake for a long time. If you still can’t sleep, get up and do something relaxing, such as reading. Avoid electronic devices and entertainment devices like the television as the light these devices emit can make your brain feel like it’s time to wake up. If this is a common problem, you may want to remove all electronic devices from the bedroom on a permanent basis.
Sleep problems can be very frustrating, but with these tips, you can look for ways to combat them and have more restful nights! Till next post!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
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