Happy Pinay Mommy

Sisterhood of the working mommies club

I would have never imagined I could survive my worklife without having my ‘sister’ moms in the workplace. There is no formal ‘mom’s’ club, but an informal friendship with motherhood as our common denominator.
Id have my friend G to thank for most days. She was like the elder sister I never had. She was an RN who eneded up in the industry same as mine. She has 2 kids (going on three this summer), and every bit of advise she has, whether practical, emotional, nutritional or what have you, I always almost follow. Imagine I call her in weird hours, even on weekends when there is an emergency with my daughter! She calms me down most of the time, or jolts me to rush my daughter to the hospital if needed. So to you G, I wish you a safe childbirth, and more happy motherhood moments to come.
Another ‘work sister’ that I have is H. A stern mom, but I always heed her advice about disciplining and raising kids. She also gives me advise re: schooling kids, and cooking and domestic management. Her advises are very practical, without sugarcoating (a signature ‘H’ style)! J
The other working moms in the office, are my age. Their kids are almost the same age as little (H & Gs are gradeshool level and tweeners). Now these other moms are my allies in terms of discussing about milestones, toddler issues, would be school issues, parenting issues and the like. Our sharing during breaktime, lunches, and random water cooler conversations help me a lot in mothering my kid. J So to you R, C, and T, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
The two other moms in the office, are like the new moms in the club. They consult us for info on toddler discipline, breastfeeding, eating, where to shop and all. We text each other, email each other, and taolk to each other often times. Kids are the bond that hold us together. Was really glad that during the last Halloween, our kids got together in the office for trick or treat. It was all in the spirit of fun!
Mom-friends are fun, and I try to pass on the goodness they have shared to me through support for mothers who intend to breastfeed and pump at the workplace. When these people ask for my advice, I go all out by giving them emailed advice on how to go about breastfeeding and all J
Thanks for reading, and till next post mommies!
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