Happy Pinay Mommy

Why we love to sleep: how moms can sleep more

How moms can sleep more
How moms can sleep more

You don’t know how ungrateful you are when it comes to long and peaceful sleep until you have a baby.

It’s almost magical how you remember every time you took your sleeping hours for granted, how silly you were to binge watch a tv show till 4 AM instead of sleeping. But now that we have experienced loss of sleep due to mommy duties, we have become wiser, as we now appreciate a good night sleep, an afternoon nap, or any time we can use to rest our bodies, eyes, and minds.

And let me tell you something – sleeping is not overrated and those seven to eight hours of dozing off do make miracles for our entire health, well-being, and mood — which is of course very important as we take care of our families.

Regenerate, recover, rest, relax

Why we love to sleep so much is the question I always ask myself, and now that I got my new mattress, I think I found the answer. It’s because there is almost nothing better in the world than laying down on a mattress that’s made to meet all your needs, cuddle your frame, give you the sweet cooling you need so much, and allow you to fall asleep without the need to re-adjust over and over again.

Your cells regenerate, your mind rests, and you get to dream things that aren’t happening in reality… I can go on and on with my list why we love to sleep, but above all, I think it’s because now that we have a family, less time and more obligations, we love it because we aren’t able to nap whenever we feel like napping.

We decided to purchase a new mattress from an online store; we got our nolahmattresscoupons.com – discount codes and invested our money in a bed that showed us that we made the right purchase from the moment we lied on it.

First of all, its cover is immensely soft and breathable, and I noticed that it doesn’t make you feel sweaty and uncomfortable even after a while. The firmness is just ideal because the memory foam sinks well under my body and makes me feel hugged. I tend to sleep in various positions, and I toss a lot, which means I genuinely need excellent support no matter what position I sleep in.

My first impression was that I can lie wherever I want on the bed (in the middle or near the edges) and still, it won’t lose its shape and will not drop under my weight.

The freedom to move as much as I want

The thing that’s super important when you are getting a new bed (and it was only now that we’ve learned) is that you need a mattress with excellent motion transfer. As I said, I toss and turn, and that can be annoying for the mister, especially when he’s almost asleep. Now, he doesn’t complain anymore, and it’s nice to be able to move whenever you want without hearing mumbling from his side.

Kidding aside, but the memory foam really won’t allow any motion transfer, and you can even jump, and still, the bed remains steady. Plus, it takes the shape of my body, and it feels like custom made.

Just nap together

So, having a new mattress that has all the properties we’ve been looking for, makes my love for sleep and naps even bigger. It’s my favorite place in my home and makes me feel rested and regenerated with fewer hours of sleep. There is no more waking up in the middle of the night to get rid of the covers, or because my back hurts.

I wake up well rested, without any pain in my back or muscles. It’s large enough to welcome us both, but there is still room for cuddling and napping for the entire family.

Till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!


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