Happy Pinay Mommy

Guestpost: 5 Unplugged Activities For Every Boy Out There

Hi there mommies! Sharing with you a guest post from Henry, a fellow writer and digital professional. He is sharing with us a write-up on his suggestions for unplugged activities for older kids like teenage boys. Hope you enjoy it!

Teenagers are sometimes sensitive, hyperactive, and budding seekers. Mostly, parents start neglecting their teenage children as they are sensible ‘grown-ups’ who should learn to take care of themselves. Try not to overlook your little attention-seekers. Instead, be their guiding light and they will adore you for life.

Moreover, at this stage of life, life-skills such as emotional management, time management, and team management are developed. It is a stage of life where a child is made or broken. Leaving them on their own in front of digital screens is simple destruction of their personalities.

Offline activities for teenage boys

Invest your time to help them build confidence, learn some life-skills, and feel self-important. Give them a direction in life and, later on, their passion will drive them forward.

Below are the five unplugged activities that you can get your boy involved into. However, avoid forcing them into something they have no interest in.

Youtube Vlogging or Video Making

Teenage boys can teach their unusual skills to the world via Youtube Channel. Be it an art or science, they can share their lives and interests with the world easily. The audience’s feedback will prepare them to handle negative and positive criticism smartly. With time, they will learn how to follow the trends and stay on top. The financial aspect is another huge plus. It can be a starting point for them to get into the business world and handle the market competition. For vlogging, not only you would need a camera but also a tripod. Your child can make videos on your phone as well. Before investing or making an actual purchase, learn a bit about the best cameras and tripods used by YouTubers on cameraseals.com

Pay Them for Every Job Done Well

Get beyond the usual appreciative remarks as they become less effective after a certain time. Ask them to complete a certain job or task and pay them for completing it on time and doing it perfectly. It will develop smart habits of time and money management in them. You must encourage them to be more and more creative in their project of garden maintenance, room cleanup or house renovation. The more creative they are, the better they will be able to handle tasks at a later stage of life. Furthermore, it can keep them unplugged and engaged for hours.

Encourage Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities such as football, swimming, surfboarding, basketball, tennis, archery, bike riding, and hiking are some of the best activities for all the boys out there, belonging to any age group. Encourage them to go out and spend some time under the sun. Start early so that they enjoy a particular sport or game. As they will master the skills and start winning the games, their confidence level will get a huge boost. After that, they will be driven by their interest to go out and play.

Building or Crafting

Why not encourage your child for circuit building, woodworking, DIYs, arts and crafts? Boys, with an interest in construction or building, desire to build something huge and for real. Give them the supplies, wooden slabs, and help them create model houses, bridges, skyscrapers, etc. Trust us on this one; it is something that would help them a lot in the practical life later on.


Monopoly is one hell of a classic game that develops a business sense in young kids. It answers all the questions of investments, financing, buying, and selling in the corporate world. So why not start early? Get your kids off the plug and start learning and earning in this amazing game!

About the Author:

Henry Taylor is an IT expert and a researcher. He is obsessed with all the digital accessories and photography. He takes a keen interest in Vlogging and loves to share his photographs on Instagram. He regularly posts at https://cameraseals.com/.

Thanks for reading our gueast articke everyone, and till next post!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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