Happy Pinay Mommy

Part two: Toddler Speech Therapy in the Philippines

Hi ladies, been busy in the homefront lately that my list of draft posts had been growing like it haa a life of its own. I know i owe you the second part of our guest post on Toddler Speech Therapy in the Philippines, and so here it goes. For moms who were not able to check out the first part of this post you can do so by clicking here.

Anyway, here’s the second part of Mommy Micah’s guest post on

Toddler speech therapy in the Philippines

Toddler speech therapy in the Philippines
Toddler speech therapy in the Philippines

Speech therapy is more effective with some love and support from the significant people in a child’s life. And as a mom, you have an important role in supporting him during this phase. Here are some mommy tips to guide you:

12 Mommy Tips to Support Your Child’s Speech Development

1. Communicate with your child whatever his age is. Even newborns and infants benefit from hearing someone speak.

2. Be responsive. Do not ignore the sounds made by your child even if it’s just cooing or babbling.

3. Peek-a-boo and other baby games do not just provide entertainment. They support interaction and elicit a response from your child.
4. Read a book to your child. Be creative in telling stories by talking about the pictures they see and speaking aloud. It also helps to use gestures when speaking. You can also use family photos to tell them stories.
5. Teach your child a song. Music allows your child to learn new words and enhances their memory and listening skills, as well as their expression of ideas through words. At the right age, you can even enroll him in a music class to support his development.
6. Take time to talk to your child. Do this often. It can be as simple as telling them what you are actually doing. However, in doing so, avoid criticisms.
7. Elaborate on what your child wants to say. When he says ‘flower’, expand his words by interpreting it properly so you can instead say, ‘give mommy a flower’.
The same way when they are doing or feeling something, never get tired of using words to describe it to them.
8. Encourage storytelling and talking, but never force your child to speak.
9. Talk and listen. Whether you’re explaining or asking something, make sure that you will pay attention when your child starts talking.
10. Let them play with kids who can speak better than them. Aside from you, they also need to find a model of good grammar from their peers.
11. Take a trip with your child. No matter how busy you may be, keep in mind that it is by letting them experience new things that you are able to find something interesting to talk about during and even after the trip is done.
As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”. You can help your child overcome his speech development problems and sometimes, you have to recognize the need for professional help in support of your love and guidance.

Author Bio:

Micah de Jesus is the SEO Director of GrowthScout SEO Services, a digital marketing firm in Quezon City, that caters to the online marketing needs of clients in a range of industry, including events management and activation agency, public relations, marketing, education, and more.

So there you have it, hope younhave picked up something from the second half of our guest post on toddler speech therapy in the Philippines. Thanks for reading and till next post.

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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