Happy Pinay Mommy

Happy to be resuming Easter Family Traditions

Hi fellow mommies! Happy Easter to all of you and hoping you all had a meaningful and restful holy week. Like most of you, our little family has little traditions in commemorating our Savior’s week of Passion, Death and Resurrection.

This of course were put on hold physically because of the pandemic. This year however we are very happy to resume these activities face to face 🙂

Finally back in Physical Church

Now that there are physical masses already after two years of pandemic, I am just as happy that I could finally bring my children to attend the Ash Wednesday Mass, Palm Sunday Mass and all other Eucharistic Celebrations during the holy week.

During Ash Wednesday, my two littles were a bit surprised by how they look after the priest marked their forehead with ash. I remembered they were so young during our last Ash Wednesday Mass.

During Palm Sunday,  they are as usual happy to have their own Palm Fronds or Palaspas. My two younger ones even shrieked a bit when they too got sprinkled with holy water.

Of course, we also attended the Maundy Thursday Last Supper Mass, and then the Way of the Cross the next day. On Saturday, we attended the Easter Vigil Mass, and then the next day, joined our Church’s Easter Festivities.

Annual Family Tradition

We also had our own Easter Celebration at home — one which we do annually. We set up a little egg hunt for the kids. Over the years, we have gathered dozens of plastic eggs which we just store and reuse the following years. We of course add more or replenish whenever there is a new kid, or if we lost some. 🙂

This year, I am packing happy yet simple surprises that could hopefully make the kids Easter this year sweeter and more fun. As usual, I found the exercise so relaxing. There is something with packing in candies and sweets in plastic eggs — finding its pairs and all, and hiding them in little nooks and crannies in our little abode.

Thanking the Lord for the Opportunity to celebrate with the Family

I thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity to do this for the kids every year. I am just hoping that in time, they will remember this and do this with their own. 🙂 If you are having trouble with bringing kids to church, hope you can find time to read this previous article we posted on bringing babies and young children to church.

Special remembrance to my mom who really takes time to boil eggs, task us to color them, and then hide them early in the morning our garden for us to hunt. Family traditions and simple faith wins 🙂

Food for the soul

At this point, I hope you can allow me to share with you one of the bible passages that I hold on to, this time from the Book of Proverbs:

“A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall never be moved.”

Proverbs 12:3

Thank you for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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