Happy Pinay Mommy

Top Ten Things we will be doing this holy week

Top Ten things we will be doing this holy week: 
Ten lenten activities for the family
This Lenten Season spend time with your family while fulfilling your church obligations.
1. My Annual Scrapbooking thing — Since I gave birth, I no longer had the luxury of updating our scrapbooks regularly. Now im making a pact to just update our scrapbook every holyweek when I will have the time to choose photos, have it printed, paste it on our albums and write captions. Call me an old school person, but nothing like printed photographs and hand writeen captions!
2. Visita Iglesia – Has been my tradition for more than ten years. J Never had a reguklar family member with me. There were times my dad tagged along. There was a time my childhood yaya tagged a long. Then most of the time I was alone – and I enjoyed it. And then when H came along, he tagged along too. And now, I have this little toddler tagging along with me! So happy!
We usually identify churches during Palm Sunday weekend. We try hard to make sure that we don’t go to churches we’ve been to the previous years. We try to go to churches with near proximity. It is a happy, and meaningful activity for our little family! Maybe we will go to the new manila cathedral this year since it has been ages since ive been there, and besides, it is newly refurbished!
3. Paint Easter Eggs and egg hunting – I remember my mom doing this for me. Now im doing it with my kid. H wanted to go to a hotel this year for the easter stuff, but im still thinking about it. For sure though we wil paint easter eggs with Little.
4. Easter Basket – For this year, will put a Barbie DVD, eggs with toys inside, and baby carrots perhaps, plus some finger paint and bubbles!
5. Easter Picnic – We usually do it in the grounds near our home. J This will be fun this year because little can eat a wider selection of food this time.
6. Church Activities – The last supper, Veneration of the cross, seven last words, easter vigil – we will participate on all these just like in the previous years Jcant wait until they will ask little to become one of the easter angels!
7. General Cleaning – I as usual, came up wih lists of things to clean up in our home sweet home, and our room tops the list because Little has been sneaking some of her toys inside! Toys that we are too tired already to put away during normal days!
8. Exercise, exercise, exercise – Hoping to get the groove back on cardio! Really have to.
9. Cook Meatless Meals – This is the best time to continue our journey of not eating meat dishes!
10. Bond with la familia – Bonding with the little fam, connect with folks, visit dad, and hang out with friends!
Can’t wait for the vacation to start. Here’s hoping for Half-Day Wednesday, and Till Next Post!
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