Happy Pinay Mommy

How to get rid of lice

How to get rid of lice
Has your kid been scratching her hair lately? It could be lice. It may be gross but you have to deal with it now before it affects everyone in the family.
Summer’s here, and so are the yucky lice and nits!
Gross maybe but kids get it, whether they are rich or poor, whatever country they may reside in (yes there are outbreaks too in the states!) it exists!
I remember I got it once in my childhood because there was this gradeschool friend who had it! Oh boy, my mom freaked out and she scoured every strand of my hair, shampooed me twice even thrice a day, and told me that lice could fly me out of our window!
Fast-forward 30 years later, my daughter kept on scratching her head before bed time. Yikes, I was alarmed. Sould her skin asthma affected her scalp too? The following day, she was still scratching so badly so when I brushed her hair, horror of horrors, there were nits!!!!
I found myself cringeing and at the same time scratching my own head! Yikes! I could get this too, I told myself.
And so immediately, we went to the pharmacy to get an anti-lice shampoo. Apparently it is called PEDICULICIDE. The pharmacy ran out of it though and just offered sulfur cream. I immediately applies this cream unto Little’s scalp and let it stand there until we reach the other pharmacy.
The Mercury drug nearest to our house, had two pediculicide shampoos, that are both safe for kids to use. The other one is not so expensive, about 12.00 per sachet, the other one at P35.00 per sachet. The cheaper one had a bottled version too that says it cools the scalp lessening the itch.
The Pharmacist recommended Kwell, the P35.00 pediculicide sachet. I got 6 for my family of three just to be sure. I also got 10 additional sachets of the cheaper ones because I thought of donating it to the daycare, and a small bottle of the cheaper one that cools the scalp for our weekly use.
So off we went home. I shampooed Little with the extra strength pediculicide, and combed her hair with the SUYOD or very fine tooth comb that I bought along the way. The nits got killed by the sulfur instantly and the pediculicide delivered the killer punch.
H & I also used our respective sachets. We also cleaned our beddings, combs, hats and whatever Little may have used.
I inspected Little’s hair when it dried, and the nits I found, gladly, were all dead!
My next worry was, she might get it again since im not sure if all kids in DC underwent the same treatment.
Gladly, I read the label and it says that it provides a two week protection.
The following school day, I got a warning about a lice outbreak in DC, and shared my daughter’s story. The teacher said they have already mentioned it to the parent of the ‘child-source’. I of course volunteered to bring in the extra sachets I bought, if they wish to have it.
For now, little is no longer itching, and I have learned my lesson. I shampoo her hair with the pediculicide at least once every ten days to make sure she will not get infested with this.
So moms, inspect your children’s hair the moment you see them scratching their heads!!! And if you have confirmed that indeed there was life infestation, do not be too hard on yourself. A health website I frequent says, lice infestation does not reflect bad parenting. It just happens, and it happens to kids. Unless you isolate your kids in a bubble, they for sure will get it once in their lives!
UPDATE: May 27, 2016: Hi Ladies, i have discovered a shop that sells safe lice-removal solutions for kids. Baobao babies has the Blitz Nitz Lice Shampoo, Head and Lice Combing Conditioner which has essential oils and comes with a lice removal comb or “mini suyod.” You can also buy a lice removing comb from there, all from the Euky Bear brand. Here is a link to their FB shop.
UPDATED:: September 03, 2016: Another shop that carries Euky Bear Lice Shampoo and Lice Solution is Cudsly.com. Check out the shopping website here.
Till next post!
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