Happy Pinay Mommy

Using Natural Remedies to Get Your Baby to Sleep

Using Natural Remedies to Get Your Baby to Sleep
Using Natural Remedies to Get Your Baby to Sleep

Being a new mother is one of the best feelings in this world. Seeing your baby peacefully sleeping can make you want to watch them and keep on admiring them for as long as you possibly could.

During the first days after giving birth, babies spend a lot of time sleeping. But, the nightmare comes after some time when putting them to sleep becomes more of a daunting task.

Whether you are a first-time mother or a veteran, your sleeping schedule ought to be interrupted if your child does not go into sleep as expected. If not dealt with in time, you may end up cranky and not be the best version of yourself as you parent your child throughout the day.

Tips to help the baby sleep better

If you are in such a situation where putting your baby to sleep is draining, you are in the right place! Here are some natural sleep aid for babies that might be useful to you:

1. What Is Your Baby’s Diet?

As a parent, you should ensure that you understand your baby’s feeding habits. How many times do they feed during the day? How many times do they feed during the night? Having this in mind will enable you to quickly know when and what to feed your child at a given time. For the breastfeeding mothers, it is advisable for them to keep off from caffeine as well as spicy foods as they may make the baby fussy during the night.

2. Baby’s Sleeping Environment

For your baby to sleep peacefully, ensure that you set the mood for them to sleep. You could switch off the television, tell your family to lower their voices while talking and in other cases even put off the lights as they may distract your baby. Make sure that where you put your baby to sleep is clean and well organized.

3. Bed Time Routine

When your baby is about three months, you could come up with a simple bath routine for them. Firstly, you could start by bathing them then massaging them with some natural oils such as lavender just to relax them. Secondly, dress them up in comfortable diapers and pajamas and finally, feed them then soothe them into sleep. With time, your baby will get used to the routine, and it will, in turn, help you also in getting things done in your house.

4. Swaddling Your Baby

This is one of the most popular natural sleep aid for babies. After a good bath, massage and feeding your baby, wrap your baby in a warm blanket to restrict their movements while sleeping. While swaddling your baby for them to sleep, keep into consideration the temperature at the moment, do not wrap them too tightly, do not cover their heads and put them to sleep on their back.

5. Rocking Your Baby

You could slowly rock your baby from side to side as you sing them their best lullaby or read a bedtime story to them. This will enable them to be calm and slowly fall into sleep peacefully without causing any unnecessary tantrums.

So there you have it, hope you have picked up a tip or two to help baby sleep better. Thanks for stopping by and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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