Happy Pinay Mommy

Using cloth diapers in the Philippines – our continuing journey

First time to not write for a very long time. Forgive me my dear friends because life has been happily busy in the homefront, with the mister and the kids, and some of my frelance writing commitments. I have a lengthy list of articles for drafting, I eveb have drafts sitting for uploads and I am sorry I was not able to find time.

Anyway, it is no excuse and this 2019 ill endeavor to write more, learn more recipes and parenting hacks to share with you and plan more meals and create meal lists you and I can share.

Anyway, as you know one of my advocacies is cloth diapering, and I will continue to spread the word for as long as this blog exists. As you know, using cloth diapers in the Philippines has proven to be very beneficial to our babies, our budget and the environment.

Loving Cloth Diapers in the Philippines

Another year of cloth diapering is about to end, thanking cloth diapers for a lot of year end savings for my little familia. Diaper expenses could have been huge when you have two babies under two years old but thanks to hybrid fitteds, pockets, and AIOs and fitteds we survived with less expense and less trash! Add to that the savings of zero UTI bouts and less incidence of diaper rash then really it is a great ongoing journey.

I wasnt able to cloth diaper my eldest and she had three bouts of UTI before she turned two. My two younger kids never had it (knock on wood!) And their diaper rash occurrences are very minimal. All these despite my panganay’s disposable diapers not being cheap and we changed it every 3 hrs just like cloth.
For my younger two I just invested on about 65 – 70 cloth diapers which I accumulated over time since my middle child was born and about 70 pieces of cloth wipes so we wouldnt have to use disposable baby wipes. The system worked. We now are able to sell our newborn cloth diaper stash because hopefully little guy will be our last baby.

Is it difficult to cloth diaper in the Philippines?

If you ask me if it is hard to cloth diaper, yes it has a learning curve but once you get the hang of it it will be easy! I am a yaya-less mom of three young children, I freelance write on the side and I am still able to manage to cloth diaper my two younger kids. All you need is a good wash routine!

If you need more info on cloth diapering feel free to visit my blog’s cloth diapering section — happypinaymommy.com or follow our Pinterest cloth diapering board. We have info on how to start, where to buy and what you need to know — wash routine, detergents to use, drying during rainy days etc. You can DM me for questions too.

Till next post!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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