A day in the life of a work from home mom

A day in the life of a work from home mom

A day in the life of a work from home mom

Just wanted to give you a peek of our daily life. Here is an entry in one of our almost-daily Instagram posts that represent snippets of our lives, and the food that I serve on the table:

A day in the life of a wahm

Anong kaguluhan toooooooh? Now this is what happens while you cook lunch. here you are trying to wahm around while taking care of the kids and the house and hahahaha small feet literally tramp on your work.

Anyway, the picture above captures our funny everyday life. Me trying to freelance write part time for my sanity and diversion 😄

My unico hijo trying to be macho — he may be wearing a digital camouflage cloth diaper BUT his macho nappies are no match with the heartsy onesie his sisters have handed down to him. Sorry na my leaning tower of tupiin has not been tackled yet 😂😂😂 and this was what is on top.

Yayaless Mom of Three

So again, a yayaless mom-of-three post. Hopefully for the singles and first time moms out there, my #buhaynanay and #nanayduties posts would not make you think twice about going further to multiply. It is fun to have a couple of littles running around a tiny home, but there are really crazy days too.

The ups and downs are all wrapped with love and joy though. Strength comes from Jesus and the coffee He provides this usually happy mama day after day 💚💚💚

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Thanks for stopping by and till next post!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!