How to sample baby products on the cheap

How to sample baby products on the cheap

How to sample baby products on the cheap

Are you due to give birth any time now? Have you recently welcomed your new bundle of joy into your life and are just starting to get used to the new normal in your household? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, then there is a good chance you are also coming to realize just how expensive baby products can be. Not only that, but so many of these products are necessary and needed, so it’s not like you can just choose to skip buying them.

And the real kicker is that often you’ll buy these necessities such as baby formula or food, and then your little one doesn’t end up liking them so they are wasted. You might as well be throwing money out the window at that point. Between the cost of diapers, clothing, baby formula, toys, and baby food, your household bills can really balloon out of control.
So what if there were a way to sample various baby products in a cheap way? This will save you money, and you will have less waste. Here we’ll take a look at ways you can do just that.

Look for Online Freebies

One of the hottest trends over the past couple of years is online freebies. Many companies, not just in the baby product sector, offer free samples and trial products in hopes that they create a new customer. This means you can try something out for free, and determine if it’s worth spending money on in the future.
Just Freebies is well-known site for all things freebies. Always look here first for such things as baby formula samples, diaper and wipe samples, feeding accessories like bottles, bath products, and so much more. You can collect enough free items that you really don’t have to buy a whole lot in terms of extras. Remember, every bit of money savings counts. The Just Freebies site lists all the free deals available at that moment, the instructions on how you can get the item, and a link to it.

Swap Between Moms

Another tip is to start swapping items between your other mom-friends. There is no doubt they’ve picked up items that didn’t work out for their little one, maybe the wrong sized diaper, the wrong type of bottle, clothing that is too small, etc. You can create your own little mom-swap group where you can all exchange items between each other. No one is spending additional money, and you can walk away with items that are actually useful for you.

Start Clipping Coupons

Along the same line as the Just Freebies website is coupon clipping. Rather than actually looking for coupons in flyers though, today’s coupon world is mainly digital. You can download any of the price match or coupon collector apps to your phone, as these will save you time over having to search out each deal online. Just remember, with coupons it can get a bit confusing as you always need to be aware of the expiration date.

Attend Baby Shows

Finally, you can make it a habit to start attending local baby shows. These types of shows draw a wide variety of exhibitors who are all trying to sell their products to attendees. With that said there tends to be a large number of free samples that are given out during these shows. You can typically go home with a good-sized grab bag of freebies to test out.

It Takes a Bit of Creativity and Work on Your Part

Finding ways to sample baby products cheap definitely takes a little creativity and work on your part, but the amount of money you can save makes it well worth it. Thanks for reading up and till next post!

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