Happy Pinay Mommy

How to cook Baked Fish Nuggets

Her is how to cook baked fish nuggets.
Here is how to cook baked fish nuggets.
As opposed to deep fried fish nuggets, baked fish nuggets can be a better option for those wanting to avoid deep fried food. It is also great for a quick lunch baon for your kid, or a snack box filler.

This baked fish nuggets recipe that I will be sharing with you can be stored frozen for 3-4 weeks (in a freezer bag to avoid freezer burn), and can be cooked just like store bought nuggets. Toasted that is for 3-5 minutes in the oven or toaster or fried for about the same length of time. (Related Post: Freezer meals and meal planning)

Having said this, if you want to make a freezer meal or a ready to heat baon out of this recipe, then might as well double or triple the recipe so you can have some in the freezer all the time.
In any case you can use it as for your sweet and sour fish fillet ulam (and make it a quick-cooking meal), fish sandwich, fish tacos, fish with tausi, among other fish fillet based recipes.
This recipe is a good base for many other fish fillet recipes. It will be a good idea to double or even triple the recipe so that you have on-hand ready-to-heat breaded fish fillet in your freezer.
This recipe is a good base for many other fish fillet recipes. It will be a good idea to double or even triple the recipe so that you have on-hand ready-to-heat breaded fish fillet in your freezer.
As for the type of fish to use, if you are adamant about using cream dory or Pangasius fillet then you can always use labahita fillet for this dish. I use both depending on the availability. For cream dory though, i just make sure that I buy from reputable companies that have their own local fish farms.
Before I forget, if you will be serving this dish to toddlers and babies, just make them a separate unseasoned portion for both the breading, egg wash and the fish itself if you’d like to season the fish prior to dredging.
Anyway, i will no longer be burdening you with a long read. As a parting daldal I would just like to say that this recipe will be part of the homemade nuggets series I am hoping to publish within the quarter.
So without further ado here’s the —

Baked fish nuggets recipe

500 grams fish fillet sliced into strips (labahita or dory is fine)
1 egg
2 tbsp milk
Pinch of salt for the egg mixture
Pinch of pepper for the egg mixture
1/2 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1/8 tsp of pepper
Pinch of garlic powder
Pinch of paprika
2 tbsp of oil

Cooking Procedure for baked fish nuggets

1. Assemble your mini work area and preheat your oven to 375F. If you want this dish to be tastier you can sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on your fish strips and leave it for about 10 minutes prior to dredging. Otherwise, just proceed to the next step after washing the fillet and patting it dry with paper towel.
Apart from being a better alternative to deep fried fish fingers, baked fish, to my mind is juicier and of course safer to cook as there is less risk for oil burns.
Apart from being a better alternative to deep fried fish fingers, baked fish, to my mind is juicier and of course safer to cook as there is less risk for oil burns.
2. In one container mix flour, 1 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp of pepper, paprika and garlic powder. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, beat the egg. Add in the pinch of salt and pepper, and the milk. Mix well and set aside.
4. Now you are ready to prepare your breaded fish strips. Dredge the strips into the flour mixture, dip into the egg bowl, and dredge again into the flour mixture until well coated. Repeat the same process until all strips have been coated.
5. Heat oil in the pan and lightly fry both sides of each fish strip. Once it gets light brown, remove from the pan and transfer in a baking pan or whatever baking dish you use.
6. Bake the fish nuggets on the oven for about ten minutes per side.
7. It is now ready to serve with your favorite dipping sauce. We love kewpie’s roasted sesame dressing for this dish, but thousand island, honey mustard, barbecue sauce or even plain ketchup will do.
This is not a sponsored post whatsoever but we absolutely love Kewpie's roasted sesame dressing as the dipping sauce for this recipe. You should try it :)
This is not a sponsored post whatsoever but we absolutely love Kewpie’s roasted sesame dressing as the dipping sauce for this recipe. You should try it 🙂
8. For the batch that you intend to freeze — cool the fish strips first for 30 mins to an hour. Transfer to a freezer bag and double bag if possible to avoid freezer burn. Label the bag with the date and consume within three weeks. To reheat, just thaw for about 20 minutes prior to heat-frying for 1 minute each side or for toasting in the oven for about 1.5 to 2 minutes.
Here’s how i served it to my children:
As i said it is also a perfect lunchbaon or even snack box filler for your littles to munch on in school.
As i said, this baked fish nuggets recipe it is also a perfect lunchbaon or even snack box filler for your littles to munch on in school.
So there you have it, I hope you would give this recipe a try. For more freezer meal ideas and meal planning strategies please check out the meal plans and recipes section of our website or browse our facebook album of recipes. Hope you can also follow us over at Instagram and Pinterest where we regularly post family meal ideas, snack and lunch baon suggestions, and toddler recipes.

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with a relaxing aquarium video:
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