Happy Pinay Mommy

School Baon Ideas for Kids — Week 2

Baon ideas for kids. Here's week number two of our
Baon ideas for kids. Here’s week number two of our “This Week’s Baon” series.

As promised, i will be sharing Achiebelle’s school baon every end of the week to somehow help newbie school mamas on their baon list for their school children.

Achie will be having extended school hours every Friday (starting the past week) so I had to prepare lunch as well.

This week’s baon ideas for kids

Another reminder though — please mind the pieces/slices of your child’s baon and if they are super young, be mindful of possible choking hazards. Also, watch out for allergies and school policies on bringing nuts or nut-by products as a snack, as well as other school baon policies. As always, i am not claiming these are all super healthy 😊

Snack baon ideas for kids

Anyway here’s her snack box contents:

MONDAY — Fried suman chunks, ripe mangoes, green peas crackers and ube piaya.

Achie loves fried suman with ripe mangoes so i thought of packing that combo for her.
Achie loves fried suman with ripe mangoes so i thought of packing that combo for her.

TUESDAY — Sapin-sapin wedge, wheat cracker filled biscuits, peanuts, and soymilk.

My eldest loves ube flavor and so sapin sapin it is for Tuesday!
My eldest loves ube flavor and so sapin sapin it is for Tuesday!

WEDNESDAY — Choco-wheat cracker sandwiches, banana chips, rice cracker and yakult.

Who doesn't love choco filled wheat crackers? Love this jumbo size too -- perfect for snacking!
Who doesn’t love choco filled wheat crackers? Love this jumbo size too — perfect for snacking!

THURSDAY — Homemade chicken nuggets (will share the recipe soon), kutchinta chunks, orange wedges, and apple juice. (Related Post: Lunch baon ideas for kids)

Apart from trying my best to feed the kids healthy, kakuriputan din ang dahilan why I make homemade chicken nuggets hahahah. Ang lakas nila kumain ng nuggets!
Apart from trying my best to feed the kids healthy, kakuriputan din ang dahilan why I make homemade chicken nuggets. Ang lakas nila kumain ng nuggets hahaha!

FRIDAY — Snack is hard boiled eggs, store bought cookies, and yakult. Rice meal is shredded chicken with sweet onion sauce on the side, and green beans.

If only I had the talent in baking, i would bake homemade choco chip cookies. But always palpak eh. Share me techniques and tried and tested recipes please.
If only I had the talent in baking, i would bake homemade choco chip cookies. But always palpak eh. Share me techniques and tried and tested recipes please.

So there you have it, for more school snack baon ideas hope you can check out the baon section of our website, or browse our FB album of baon ideas, or follow our Pinterest school baon board. We share on a weekly basis, photos of this week’s baon too in our Instagram account. Till next week mommies 😊

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with a video on positive parenting:


How to cook Baked Fish Nuggets

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