Happy Pinay Mommy

Tips For Keeping Your Family Safe While On A Road Trip

Tips For Keeping Your Family Safe While On A Road Trip
Tips For Keeping Your Family Safe While On A Road Trip

How time flies, it is almost vacation season, and im sure some of you are already planning road trips and vacations with the whole family come April or even starting the end of march!

In 2018, it was estimated that 44% of Millennials planned to take a family vacation. Among the millions from each generational group who plan family vacations, a sizeable portion opt to take a road trip. Wherever you choose to travel with your family, road trips can be a fantastic way to experience attractions, food, and other sights that would otherwise be missed by using air travel. However, when traveling by vehicle, there are essential tips to take to keep you and your family as safe as possible.

Whether you’ve been planning your road trip for months, or end up booking a last-minute trip, vehicle safety should be one of your top considerations.

Roadtrip safety for the family

Explore these three tips for keeping your family safe during your next road trip:

Double check car seats to ensure that they are installed properly

No matter whether your family vehicle is a truck, car, SUV, or minivan, safety must always be top of the mind prior to (and during) a road trip. If you have little ones, the best place to start is ensuring that their car seats are installed properly. Why? According to Safe Kids Worldwide, over half of all car seats are installed incorrectly. Having an improperly installed car seat can put your children at risk in the event of an auto accident. Although car seat makers include detailed instructions as to how to install a car seat, you can also look online at trusted sources for this information.

Educate your children on the importance of seat belts

Despite what is known about the importance of wearing a seat belt, there are still millions of individuals who do not wear their seat belts regularly. Whether you regularly wear your seat belt or not, it is crucial that you always wear it on the road with your family. When your children see you model this behavior, they are more likely to wear seat belts in the future. This is immediately true for older children and teens. In addition to demonstrating appropriate seat belt use, be sure to educate your children on the importance of seat belts. Let them know that this one safety measure saves thousands of lives each year, and that it is the law in many areas.

Make a maintenance calendar for your family’s vehicles

Blown tires, worn brakes, and malfunctioning windshield wipers are just a few of the potential safety hazards that can occur on your vehicle. If these items are ignored, you could be putting your family at risk. Before your next road trip, create a maintenance calendar for all of your family’s vehicles. Complete any needed maintenance, and be sure to keep up this habit upon returning home. When your children see you taking care of your vehicles, they will also be more likely to do so themselves in the future.

In order to have the best time possible on your next family road trip, it is crucial to take steps to stay safe. Properly installing car seats, educating your children on the importance of seat belts, and practicing regular vehicle maintenance are all essential steps in keeping everyone safe while at home and away. Enjoy your vacations and till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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