Happy Pinay Mommy

Keeping the kids’ artworks

Artworks and letters from the brood

They are just too adorable and heartfelt to dispose. Children’s letters and artworks are treasures to any parents’ heart and they are just too hard to let go, at least for me.

I usually keep the cards, but when my three children start giving me love letters almost everyday, my collection of love letters have gotten so big. Then the artworks that they do, both in home school and during their free time. they pile up too. I decided to frame some, but now, I could not even choose which ones to frame. I sure hope I am not alone in this dilemma.

Can I just keep them all?

The mother's day letter they gave me last year.
The mother’s day letters they gave me last year.

Lately, what works for me is to have a binder for each of the kids. I file all their nice artworks there. I take photos of these artworks too. For those that do not seem to make the cut, I take pictures of them as well, and tuck them away in our recycling box (away from the sight of little ones whose feelings get hurt when their letters are placed in the recycling bin). By having photos of the letters and artworks, I could have something to look at when parenting / motherhood gets tough.

I tell myself I will organize all these once they are all in high school? Hahaha! Anyway as the years go by I think I would receive less letters and artworks, unlike now when writing, painting, drawing, cutting and crafts are their pastime.

Love letters from your own children are the sweetest!

As for the letters, I keep them in another binder. Hopefully, Ill sort that out when they leave the nest. I think the letters would be like a time capsule for me by that time. I will get to relive the wonderful memories of the most tiring yet happiest season of my life.

But for now, I will just file, collect, and take pictures of the artworks and letters that they painstakingly worked hard for and wholeheartedly give me. I will have a lot of time to organize all these when they have all grown up. For now, I will enjoy the snuggles, and the kulits, and answering endless questions, and the feeling that I am their most loved person in the world.

Yes, I will enjoy this season of motherhood, and I know that I will not regret doing so 🙂

Till next post!

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

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