Hi Mommies,
As promised, ill be sharing with you my weekly meal plan to help you in your daily food preparation in the coming week.
Ill try hard to post my weekly meal plan every thursday or friday, in time for your your grocery shopping for the weekend.

A few disclaimers though:
Like what i said my post on meal preparation (which you by the way, can read here), we are still a work in progress when it comes to eating nutritious meals. I try hard to incorporate as much vegetables and fish as i can, but i am only human that i still fall for convenience foods in my meal planning activities. Hopefully you could see progress in the weekly meal plans that i will be posting. The operative word, dear mommies, is HOPEFULLY.
ALSO, not everything in the meal plans i will be posting are made from scratch. As you may already now know, i don’t have help so i take advantage of delicious and HOPEFULLY nutritious convenience foods. I will endeavor to let you know which of the meals here are convenience foods.
It will also include left-overs for some meals so that we don’t waste food. Typically if we like the viand, we are okay with eating it again 🙂
So without further ado, here is my weekly meal plan number 1:

Hopefully, this will help you can just print this out if you and your family will like the meals that are in there :)The convenience food that are included in this weekly meal plan are the following:
1. Mamon, Lava Cake, Oatmeal with Choco Chip Cookies– we don’t have an oven so i definitely could not bake these myself. Soon oven, soon.
2. Longganisa — We love this brand that sells Regional Longganisa
3. Bottled Sardines — The Spanish Tomato Sardines are just yummy and comforting whether with rice or pandesal.
4. Corned Beef — Hihi we just love a brand of chili corned beef with white label
5. Vienna Sausage for the french toast breakfast
6. Tocino (we like the young, fatless and salitre-free tocino endorsed by one happy comedian)
7. Of course a healthy convenience food — YOGURT
8. Canned Tuna for the pasta meal
I hope you could also stop by the COOKING page of my website, for some easy to prepare meals. also wrote about saving up on grocery shopping, and you may wanna check it out here, and for the Pinoy Market version, you may check out the money-saving tips here.
Hope you could share as well your easy to cook recipes with us, just like what i did here.
What is your go-to recipe?
Here’s a Youtube video of one of my favorite chefs, the very down-to-earth boy logro cooking our family comfort food — SINIGANG:)