As you know, a couple of months ago I decided to start our Cloth Diaper journey. I was just a part-time cloth mama then, as I was not so confident yet about using cloth diapers overnight or for going out.
Fast forward to present moment when we have already started to exclusively use cloth diapers. I am just happy that finally, we have already discovered the system that works for us, and I will talk about our journey to ECD in a separate post.
For now, allow me to thank some of the patient moms that I have met in this journey, who in one way or another helped newbie moms like me to become confident enough to try cloth diapers, and eventually go ECD.
I asked some of them cloth diapering tips that they could give to moms who are planning or new to using cloth diapers.
Here are their cloth diapering tips for newbies:
- From Mommy Gladys Egango, cloth diapered her two kids:

“#1 – Ask yourself if you are really willing to do cloth diaper washing. Is this really something you are prepared to do? You can’t just buy and leave ‘yaya’ to do it for you. You have to be hands-on also. Also have to ask yourself if this will be long term or short term. How about water supply? #2 – Do you want to do it from newborn stage until 2yo? Then you have to look for a quality brand one (even WAHM made diapers are far better than branded ones) that will suit your budget yet won’t compromise quality. Prefolds with covers & pocket style diapers are always the to-go but there are heaps of other types & styles which might appeal to you. It’s wiser to try one or two first before buying a whole lot. Join cloth diaper destashing groups & other cloth diaper related groups. You’ll benefit from it. Don’t be scared. Nothing is right or wrong when it comes to cloth diapering. All that matters is it is suitable & safe for your baby as long as you stick to your washing routine once you already get the hang of it. Remember, washing & rinsing well are very important.” — Mommy Gladys
Related Posts:
- Are you a Cloth Diaper Addict?
- Ongoing Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines
- Where to buy Cloth Diapers in Manila
- Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers
- Drying Cloth Diapers During the Habagat Season
- From Mommy Monica Banaga, Mom to 10-month old Elijah.

“I was once a noob as well to cloth diapering and was lost, confused, and clueless about what kind or brand to buy for my lo. I suggest you do some research first, just the basics on cding. You might get cold feet if you overwhelm yourself with tons of info on cding. Joining a support group is also helpful for cding moms, noobs and veterans alike. Budget is also a factor. I always apply the cost benefit analysis whenever I am about to “invest” on something. If the benefits outweigh the cost, then go for it even if it seems “mahal” at acquisition. China nappies versus US brand nappies: it’s all about the inserts, not the brand. Look for stores that let you buy the shells and inserts separately and does not require to buy a minimum number of items just to get the cheap price. Lastly, make your cd journey fun. Don’t stress yourself out just cos you experience leakages, poop stains, or you have to do an extra load of laundry. After all, you’re doing this for your lo and mother Earth.” – Mommy Monica
- From Mommy Jayme Reyes-Fabian, used cloth diapers on her kids, particularly flats and covers.

“For newborns, I’d suggest using wipeable diaper covers and lampin/prefolds (except maybe in the evenings so they can sleep longer). The covers can be reused (make sure you wipe them down properly before re-using) and cotton prefolds/lampin are easier to wash/dry/clean. Newborns poop and pee frequently, so covers are more practical and you wont need a huge stash of cloth diapers in the beginning. Use the lampin/prefolds in the traditional folds or simply padfold them into the cover.”

So mommies who are out there wondering about using cloth diapers, hope we have inspired you somehow to use CDs and share our love for cloth.
You may want to watch this video on cloth diapering 101 from Millennial Moms: