5 Brilliant Party Hacks that Won’t Blow Up Your Expenses

One of the most exciting parts of parenthood is being able to celebrate your child’s most important milestones. Whether it be a birthday, baptism, graduation, or even the simple feats, organizing a get together is always a welcome idea.
However, unlike the parties that were organized in the past, many of the celebrations these days are more on the extravagant side and far from the simple affairs that you grew up to–making the task more challenging and a lot more expensive!
(Related: Party souvenirs, lootbags, DIY candy buffet, restaurants with party packages)
But just like the typical parents who would go out of their way to be ‘extra’ for their child, you wouldn’t let an occasion pass without a celebration. So, if you don’t have a huge budget or isn’t willing to spend too much for a few hours of fun, this article lists some of the most brilliant party hacks to keep the fun going–and your spending low!
1. Make Labels Work
It is a common scenario in parties for the expenses on party supplies to double (and even triple!), as compared to the number of guests, especially when people get more of what they’re supposed to have. While some prefer to just double the number of loot bags or souvenirs just to make sure that there’ll be for everyone, this would mean higher expenses–and you wouldn’t want that. The solution? Add labels with the names of your invited guests on the loot bags or souvenirs.
Party Hack: Find printable templates that go well with your party theme to create beautiful souvenir labels. Not only will it control your expenses, it will also create an impression that you’ve exerted added effort to personalize your giveaways!
2. Create a Nice and Colorful Buffet Minus the Decors
A nice table centerpiece already costs a lot of money that you’d rather spend on more important things. So, if you are in the middle of deciding between keeping the buffet table bare or giving in to the expensive cost of table decorations, you might want to give a second look on the foods that you plan to prepare. With the right selection, your party food choices can already double up as decorations to spruce up the table. Choose foods with bright colors or those that come in exciting shapes and you can cross out table decors from your shopping list!
(Related Post: WHere to buy DIY Candy Buffet Supplies in the Philippines)
Party Hack: Serve fruits in season. Not only will their refreshing colors brighten up the buffet table, you can also avail them at a lower price due to the abundance of their supply.
3. Take Charge of the Entertainment
No budget for clowns, magicians, or event hosts? No problem! With good party music, there will never be a dull time in your party. Come up with a playlist that fits the preferences of your guests and your entertainment will go just fine. Basically, all you’ll need is your own sound equipment to be the DJ of your own party. Also, don’t skip the tried and tested old school party games like ‘pabitin’ and ‘pinata or palayok’. A shower of goodies never fail to entertain and win the hearts of kids and even the young-at-hearts.
Party Hack: For small indoor parties when a loud sound system isn’t suitable, you can settle for this trick: Find a curved or tubular container that you can use to hold your phone and voila! Instant speakers!
4. Go for Reusables
While reusables are now more preferred for parties, Choosing supplies that can be reused is not just a smart way to save. It is also an eco-friendly alternative that will minimize unnecessary waste. One way to do that is by using banners, cups, and plates which can be used repeatedly without even having to affect the outcome of your event. The initial cost may be greater than the disposable types, but you’d thank yourself for investing in these pieces if you’ll consider the overall savings with repeated use.
Party Hack: Do you have reusables that already look old or worn-out? Don’t throw them away yet! Old reusables like plastic cups can be used as party decors. Try punching a hole in the cups. Get a string of Christmas lights and put the bulbs through the holes to create an intimate lighting that you can hang outdoors and use as garden string lights.
5. Put Your DIY Skills at Work
A huge portion of the expenses in organizing a party goes to the supplies that you can actually do yourself. Party decors, loot bags, and invitations can be bought in a party shop but that would mean extra expenses. With a little creativity and by allocating enough time in customizing your decors and giveaways, you’ll be able to spend less and even add a personal touch to these essentials.
Party Hack: You can organize arts and crafts activities where guests can give a hand in creating their own DIY souvenirs. This will not just keep them busy and avoid the dull time, it will also spare you from the added cost of buying party favors for the guests to bring home .
Micah de Jesus is the SEO Director of GrowthScout SEO Services, a digital marketing firm in Quezon City, that caters to the online marketing needs of clients in a range of industry, including events management and activation agency, public relations, marketing, education, and more.
So there you have it, hope you learned something from our guest post today. If you’d like to write about a certain parenting topic, publish a poem or an open letter, or simply just want to write something that may be helpful to fellow parent, let me know by getting in touch with me through our social media channels. You do not need to have your own website to publish something. Until next post!
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on party organizing hacks: