Hi Ladies! Came across this open letter to moms, written by Mommy Sheng Paredes-Paiton, and upon reading, I immediately knew that I am one of the intended recipients of this open letter. Being in the trenches of motherhood is never easy, and inspiring letters like this should be disseminated to as many mothers so that those who can relate could be inspired too.
Mommy Sheng wrote her Open Letter after she sent off her 13-year old daughter Sarah to Highschool, as she will have to stay in a dormitory.
With the permission of Mommy Sheng, I am publishing her Open Letter for us:
“Dear mommies,
I am one of the mommies who woke up today with a bleeding heart to take my girl home. I am one of the mommies who woke up crying because our girl’s bed is well kept but empty. She has moved on to the next chapter of her life at 13 years old and it’s just so sad.

I have all eyes on her since day one. I knew that mole on her left shoulder was the first and the one on her neck is her latest. I knew that she got that scar on her knee when she and her friends crashed her bike on our neighbor’s gate. I knew Bubbles and Angel, Sachy, Julia and Jas — they are her BFFs since she was little. I knew she said “palatastas” even at 13. I knew she loves books and music and outdoors. But why does it feel like I’m missing on a lot of things?
Mommies, love your littles, hug them tight because time goes by so fast. Let them play with their toys, mess around. Just close your eyes when you step on them, feel the pain, because one day soon you will keep that toy away. Let them paint the tables, draw on your walls because you will be staring at them, loving the moment. Let them cry over toys, hate you for a while, don’t get furious mom, these will give you a good laugh as you go along the memory lane. Say good words, kind words, I love you’s and goodnights — these will become corny in time.

Seize the moment. Grab it because when they start chasing their dreams there is no more stopping. All you can do is hug and let go, and you will hear them say, ‘i love you mommy i will be okay, ikaw yung hindi e.’”
Thank you Mommy Sheng, for allowing us to re-post your Open Letter. To my dear readers, let me know if you would like to contribute an article, a poem, or even a song you composed, so that we can share it with our fellow moms. You may get in touch with me by dropping by my Facebook page. Hope you can also hit the like button while you are there so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.
Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on how to be a happier mom: