If you are looking for Malunggay Capsules to support lactation then this post is for you. I have compiled a list of places where you can buy Malunggay Capsules for breastfeeding.
Well I was thinking it is fairly obvious where you can buy these, like in pharmacies or drugstores, but do you know that there are online stores that sell these as well?
Well there are many brands in the market today, and the best way to gauge the effectiveness is to try. Of course consider the weight (milligrams) versus price ratio but keep in mind that the potency of the malunggay capsule cannot solely be based on the cost.
Anyway, my favorite back then when I was still working out of the home, and I needed to pump BM was Pro Lacta. Sad to say, this is usually out of stock. The Natalac that was recommended by my OB was kind of pricey for me, and frankly, Pro lacta was just as effective.
I was fairly surprised that now with Shobe, there are more options. My inay gave me Malunggay Life Oil capsules, and while it works, it is kind of too pricey for me (oo na, i am a self-confessed frugalista), so I just go back to my good old pro lacta, and I just hoard more whenever they have it in our community pharmacy.I have also tried Nu Moms, and it works too, but maybe I am just too at home with Pro-Lacta. Too at home that my work-friends gave me banig after banig of prolacta for Christmas then. Whenever our pharmacy runs out of Prolacta, I just buy Moringana since it is effective for me as well.
Anyway, here are some online shops where you can buy Malunggay Capsules for Breastfeeding:
- Babymama.ph –This online shop offers two brands of Malunggay Capsules: Moringana and Nu Moms. Check out their website here.
- Baobao Babies – This Online baby store sells Moringana Capsules. Here is a link to their FB Shop
(Post Continued Below)
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- The Parenting Emporium – Also has malunggay capsules. Check out their special deal here for Mega Malunggay Capsules.
- Liquid Gold PH – They sell Queen Moringa Malunggay Capsules. They have it in Bottles containing 100 Capsules each. Check the pricing and availability in their FB shop here.
So there you have it, hope I have been able to help you find malunggay capsules that you could use to help boost your milk supply. Again, the best way to increase or boost your milk supply is via UNLI-LATCH or nursing as long as your baby wants to, and whenever your baby wants to. As always I promise to update this post once I discover more stores where you can buy Teas for Breastfeeding.
If you are looking for a good book on increasing breast milk output, here is an e-book entitled: The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to Making More Milk: Foreword by Martha Sears, RN written by Diana West. You may buy it here. For a little less than Php600.00 you will have a good breastfeeding reference that you can access on your mobile device at your own convenience.
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A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on increasing breast milk production:
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