If you would like to give Mother’s Milk Tea a try then this post is for you.
I remember that as a former work-out-of-the-home mom, I loved drinking Mother’s Milk Tea with my morning snack or after-morning pump snack. I would also gulp another one in the afternoon.
You see, I alternate Mother’s Milk Tea along with other breastfeeding teas like malunggay tea and guyabano tea. My malunggay tea is usually made from fresh leaves that I boil – same as the Guyabano tea – thanks to my Dad’s assistant M, who has a guyabano tree in their backyard. Anyway, I’ll discuss the malunggay tea in another post, as this entry is meant for other breastfeeding teas that you may want to give a try.
For those unfamiliar with Mother’s Milk Tea, is a tea that is considered as a mild galactogogue which means it can help boost your supply of breast milk. Its main ingredient is fenugreek.
So here is a list on where to buy Mother’s Milk Tea for Breastfeeding in the Philippines:
- Healthy Options – some six years ago, this was where I source the Mother’s Milk Tea that I drink day in and day out. They have branches in Greenbelt 5, Glorietta, EDSA Shangri-La among other branches.
- Babymama – This online store that is popular for breast pumps, also carry a wide line-up of galactogogues like Mother’s Milk Tea. Here is a link to their website. As of posting, they sell a box of 16 tea bags for P270.00
(Post Continued Below)
Related Posts:
- Where to buy Hospital-Grade Breast Pumps
- Online stores that Sell Malunggay Capsules for Breastfeeding
- Where to buy Reusable Ice Packs for transporting pumped breast milk
- Shops that sell Teas for Breastfeeding
- Where to buy Breastmilk storage bags
- Where to buy efficient breast milk pumps
- Shops that sell Fenugreek Supplement for Breastfeeding
- Top Ten things you should never say to a breastfeeding Mama
- Where to order Lactation Cookies
- All About Cloth Diapering
- Quiglebaby.com – This Online Baby Shopping Store famous for Cloth Diapers, also sell Mother’s Milk Tea. Check out their online store here.
So there you have it, hope I have been able to help you to find mother’s milk tea. Again, the best way to increase or boost your milk supply is via UNLI-LATCH or nursing as long as your baby wants to, and whenever your baby wants to. As always I promise to update this post once I discover more stores where you can buy Mother’s Milk Tea.
If you are looking for a good book on increasing breast milk output, here is an e-book entitled: The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to Making More Milk: Foreword by Martha Sears, RN written by Diana West. You may buy it here. For a little less than Php600.00 you will have a good breastfeeding reference that you can access on your mobile device at your own convenience.
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A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on Mother’s Milk Tea:
Where to buy nursing or breastfeeding pillows in the philippines
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