Ring Slings, like any other baby carrier, help the mom a lot when it comes to caring for a baby. It allows her to foster bonding while attending to chores and errands. It frees up her hand during travel, and when attending to the needs of the household, and her other children.
It is one of the most affordable types of baby carrier that can be used from birth up until toddlerhood, and can be worn in many ways. It is also very compact that it can be kept in the diaper bag without occupying too much space.
If you are considering to babywear, and you are looking for shops or places where you can buy Ring Slings, then this post is for you. Here’s —
Where to buy Ring Slings in the Philippines:
- Next 9 – Is an online shop that sells Ring Slings. This is where I bought my very first ring sling. Here is a link to their shop.
- CEO Emporium – Is an online shop that sells baby carriers like Tula, Wraps, and of course Ring Slings. Check out their collection here.
(Post continued below)
You may also want to read:
- Where to buy Tula Baby Carriers
- Online shops that rent out Tula Baby Carriers
- Online Shops and WAHMs where you can order Tula Accessories
- Local online shops that sell Lenny Lamb Baby Carrier
- Where to buy Tula Print Cloth Diapers
- Where to buy woven wrap carriers
- Where to Buy Breast milk Pumps, and Pumping Needs and Accessories
- Where to buy Fabric for your DIY Cloth Diaper Project (PUL etc)
- How to save when you have a newborn baby
- Department Stores – Some department stores retail ring slings just like SM, they carry the brand Bloom, and sometimes Mamaway.
- Babymama – In an online shop famous for selling efficient breast pumps and other breastfeeding accessories. Babymama also carries Ring Slings in their online store. They have the following brands: Next 9, Nanay At Ako, Mamaway, Shadrach’s Collection, and QB. Check out their website here.
- Nanay at Ako Boutique– Carries affordable ringslings in nice prints, they even have batik prints which are perfect gifts for when you go visit a mommy-friend abroad. Prices go as low as P799.00. Check out their FB Page here.
- Shadrach’s Collection – Features ring slings in various prints and fabrics. They have Handwoven slings, plaid slings as well as plain colors. Most of the slings I saw cost P1,500.00. Here’s a link to their FB Page.
- Quality Brand – QB Collection – Has Ring Slings as well as woven carriers. Bright and nice colors. Some of the slings I saw in their FB Page cost around P950.00. They do hold clearance sales though so watch out for that too. Here is a link to their FB Page.
- Lazada – As of posting their Ring Slings are on sale at less than P500.00, check it out here.The choices are basically in plain colors, and the brand is called Ring Sling Baby Boom, and is made of Muslin Cotton.
- Bao-Bao Babies –Carry Next 9 Ring Slings. Here’s a link to their FB Store.
- UPDATED Sept 04, 2016: Cudsly.com: Sells Kali Baby ring slings starting at P1,150.00 per piece.
- UPDATED Sept 04, 2016: Shopee.ph — find different sellers of ring slings in this newest selling and buying platform. Use vouchers, take advantage of discounts, and enjoy free shipping on some products. Download their mobile app or shop in their website here.
So, there you have it. I am sure there are other places where you can buy Ring Slings in the Philippines. If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.
Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on how to properly use a ring sling: