Rainy days are here again mommies, and what could be most comforting for our little tots than having a steaming bowl of soup with their rice? Apart from the usual sinigang, tinolas, bulalo, nilaga and sinampalukans, what could be the other perfect soup dishes that our kids may enjoy?

Here’s Happy Pinay Mommy’s Top Five Yummy Soup Recipes:
1. Molo Soup or Pancit Molo – Okay this may not be as quick to prepare as other soups, but you can do this on a Saturday Bonus point is that the dumping and the soup freezes well separately so you have a nother batch in the freezer waiting for another habagat attack. Check out Casa Veneracion’s Easy to Follow Recipe here.
2. Chicken Sotanghon Soup – This one is a childhood favorite. This chicken sotanghon soup will be amazing in your child’s eyes because of the glass noodles! See the recipe here as shared by Kawaling Pinoy.
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3. Home Made Mami – Please indulge me into a short trip down memory lane. Whenever I eat mami I always, always remember my ex-colleague Jerry, who made me eat “dirty” mami in Buendia corner Ayala Avenue almost every week. Our driver Pax at that time could not help but slurp the soup that came with it. Anyway, here is of course a clean version because you will be the one to prepare it! See this recipe from Panlasang Pinoy.Com.
4. Almondigas – This will forever be a comfort food for me as it is one of the yummy soups that I have tasted in my life (yes, no joke). This is my Daddy’s favorite soup of all time! I came to love it too, and I generously drizzle ground pepper on it. My eldest loves this with rice! I promise to get Inay’s recipe, but for now, here is one that is almost as close from Tagaloglang.com.
5. Chicken Sopas – This is my Eldest’s favorite. She can eat this the whole day. I remember loving this too because my mom really makes a really tasty version. Check out this video tutorial on how to make creamy sopas shared by pinoychow.com.
Do you have a favorite Soup Recipe? Hope you could share it with us.
Here’s a bonus video guide on ho to cook yet another soup recipe, again of course from one of my favorite filipino chefs, chef boy. Yummy LOMI! :