Happy Pinay Mommy

Happypinaymommy.com’s Weekly Meal Plan for Sept 28 to Oct 04, 2015

Happypinaymommy.com's Weekly Meal Plan for Sept 28 to Oct 04, 2015
Happypinaymommy.com’s Weekly Meal Plan for Sept 28 to Oct 04, 2015. (Photo Credits)

Hi ladies!

Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend so far. For those of you who will be doing their weekly palengke or grocery shopping trip, sharing with you our meal plan for this week.

Here is Happypinaymommy.com’s weekly meal plan for Sept 28 to October 4, 2015:

happypinaymommy weekly meal plan sept 28-oct 04 2015
Happypinaymommy weekly meal plan sept 28-oct 04 2015

If you will notice, i have endeavored to really include a fruit in each breakfast meal. I will try hard next time to include more since a lot of great fruits are in season right now.

(Post Continued below)

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I also continue to recycle ulam entries like the chicken adobo that became crispy adobo flakes the next morning, as well as the Fried Tilapia becoming sarciado later in the evening. This plus re-serving lunches together with another ulam for dinner to save on costs and at the same time avoid food wastage.

For the choco jelly, it essentially uses the coffee jelly recipe i mentioned in this post, but i have substituted coffee with chocolate-based ingredients to make it kid-friendly.

If you are looking for more meal planning strategies, i highly reco this ebook entitled “The Fresh 20: 20-Ingredient Meal Plans for Health and Happiness 5 Nights a Week,” written by Melissa Lanz which you may buy here. For less than P350.00 you will have a reference that you can read from your mobile device at your own convenience.

So there you have it. Hope ill be able to help you map out your meals for the coming week.

If you have the time, please drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with this cooking video from Achi’s favorite chef of the moment, Patti:


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