Happypinaymommy.com’s fourth Work-at-Home-Mommy of the week is a young and pretty Online English Teacher and a mother to two kids.
Like most of the WAHMs we have featured, she tried her hand at finding a work-from-home career to get to spend more time with her kids.
Without further ado, let me introduce to you happypinaymommy.com’s fourth WAHM of the WEEK, Mommy Gini Pagkatipunan.

Mommy Gini works from home for about six hours every day, from Monday to Saturday, as an Online English Tutor.
And like what I have been saying in our past WAHM of the WEEK posts, this series is meant to inspire moms who are seriously considering the idea of working from home — that yes, it is feasible. And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, i will again say that the series is not meant to sideline stay-at-home-moms or work-out-of-the-home-mommies. This is all just meant to promote positive motherhood vibes.
So here it is, hope you can be inspired with Mommy/Teacher Gini’s story. Here is an excerpt of our conversation with her:
Happypinaymommy (HPM): When did you decide to be a WAHM/WFHM?
Mommy Gini: I decided to be a WAHM two years ago when the travel became unbearable for me and the only time that I can give my son was a few hours in the evening. I am a young mom and I continued my studies after having him. So on top of that, I decided to work as an office-based Online English Teacher. I had to wake up at 5am to get to work by 6am. I’ll be out by 11am and be at school by 12 or 1pm. I usually go home around 6 or 7pm. By that time, my son is already getting to bed. It was exhausting and depressing.
(Post continued below)
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- A Busy Mom’s Guide to Daily Meal Preparations
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- A Busy Pinay Mom’s Guide to Getting Healthier Take-out Meals for the Family
- Where to buy Adult Coloring Books
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HPM: What made you decide to be one?
Mommy Gini: I got tired of working in an office when it got to the point when my son told my mom that I do not have enough time for him anymore. That I cannot be there for him when he needs me. So I decided to look for a job that will be more convenient for me and my son. It took a while to look for the right job. When I found it, I grabbed it and it is where I am up until now.
HPM: What is the greatest challenge you have faced in relation to being a WAHM?
Mommy Gini: The greatest challenge is time management. Even if you work at home, you still feel like the time is too short and it is not enough. In times like these, I just think on the bright side. At least I do not have to leave for work anymore. No more transportation and food for work allowances. And the best part is that I can be with my kids again in a snap.
HPM: What advice can you give to those who may want to become a WAHM?
Mommy Gini: Best advice that I can give is to think it over. Make sure that you will be ready for what is coming. I know not everybody will be easily comfortable in working at home especially when they’re already used to working in an office. Keep in mind that you should also think about what will make you happy. However, I can assure them that in the end, the risk will all be worth it. And I think their kids will also thank them for it when they grow up.

HPM: Who inspires you?
Mommy Gini: My inspiration are the little humans that talk and walk loudly in the other room while I work. Every time I feel like I am getting too tired (or too lazy) to work, I think and realize that I am doing all of these for them. I’ve sacrificed a lot and I will not hesitate to do it over and over again. Knowing that you will be greeted by happy faces once you open the door like you’ve been miles away gives me more reason to work at home.
HPM: How does your partner support you?
Mommy Gini: My partner wasn’t able to realize at first how hard it was for me to work-at-home and look after the kids at the same time. He thought that it was an easy job. We had our issues and trials. Still in the end, he was able to understand and give a comforting hug everytime I feel tired and stressed. He tries to look after the kids as much as possible to give me some relaxation time.

We also asked Mommy Gini to give us a rough picture of how her day/week goes, so that you my dear readers will have an idea what goes on in the daily life of a mom and a full time online English teacher.
Mommy Gini: I work 6 days a week, roughly 6-7 hours a day. I have a flexible working schedule.
Mondays to Thursdays – my day starts at 5:30AM cause I have to get Kuya ready for school. Once he’s off to school by 6:30AM, I get ready for my first class which is from 7am to 8 or 9am.
9am-11:30am is either nap time or play time with my bunso. It’s also bunso’s bath time.
Around 11:30am-12:30pm is lunch time. I’m lucky cause we have our personal chef: my mom! J
If students booked my lesson, then I’ll have to work from 1pm-3pm.
3pm-5pm is kids time and Kuya’s assignment time.
I’m back to work from 5pm-7pm.
7pm-9pm is kids time again. I give them their evening bath and we have dinner.
9pm-11pm is working time again. Or sometimes if I’m feeling productive, I work ’til 12midnight.
I also try to squeeze in some cleaning time during my breaks.
Fridays and Saturdays – the schedule in the morning is basically the same. I just do not work in the evening cause it is daddy-and-me/family time.
Sunday is day-off! It is also our church day. Yey! Which means rest day from being a teacher but still a full-time job for mom.
So there you have it. Hope you have somehow been inspired on how Mommy Gini manages her online job and then tending to the needs of her family. If you have a Work From Home Mom that you would want to be featured, please feel free to head on over at my Facebook Page and leave me a message. Please hit the like button too so you could receive updates from Happypinaymomy.com directly on your newsfeed.
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on tips on Working from Home: