Happy Pinay Mommy

Best Nail Cutter for Babies and Toddlers

Best nailcutter for babies
What is the best nail cutter for babies?

As a first time mom many years ago, i was on the lookout for the best nail cutter for babies. If I were to ask you which type of nail cutter do you use for your baby/toddler? Found the pink one in the photo getting kinda rusty — we haven’t used it for many, many years — since the time i accidentally hurt my eldest — while trying to trim her fingernails during her newborn days.

Best nailcutter for babies

I then discovered the scissor-type Pigeon nail cutter (the white one above), and never looked back. It is easier to use, and I have never accidentally hurt achiebelles again and my two (succeeding babies) younger babies. Im happy that it withstood the test of time too. I have used it on all my three kids!

This is especially important since mittens are no longer encouraged for newborns, and as we all know their nails grow long so fast!

Scissor-type baby nail cutter

Going back to the scissor-type nail cutter, it really is safe and easy use because even achie learned to trim her own nails using this type of baby nail cutter when she turned five. Yes it can still be used to cut her nails even if she is now a preschooler!

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Yes, the scissor-type nail cutter may be more expensive than the pink clipper, but it took away the first-time-mom jitters that came with cutting those cute toenails and fingernails.

Glad to see that there are now more affordable scissor-type nail cutters in department stores and even on online stores today, like this set.

So which type do you use? If you use the clipper type, do you have a technique to prevent accidental skin cutting? Some say we should cut nails while babies are fast asleep? do you like the modern-type of nail cutter for babies like this?

As for me, holding them tight and getting into a routine of bi-weekly nail cutting sessions made them not dreadful of our home “mini mani pedi” sessions. They are actually looking forward to it.

For more mommy hacks, parenting thoughts, and toddler and baby food and care ideas, feel free to scour our website, check out our numerous FB albums, and follow us on Instagram and Pinterest for daily tips and musings.

A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with a video on how to safely trim your baby’s nails:

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