Happy Pinay Mommy

Philippine Cloth Diaper WAHMs Stocking Schedules for December 2015

Philippine Cloth Diaper WAHMs Stocking Schedules for December 2015
Philippine Cloth Diaper WAHMs Stocking Schedules for December 2015. (Photo Credits: Sparkling Rainbow Cloth Diapers and Little Bubba’s Bum Cloth Diapers)

Christmas is less than three weeks from now. And may I ask you this question my fellow cloth diapering mama, does your baby have a Christmas or New Year’s Eve Nappy already??

If your answer is no then it is never too late! Our dear local WAHMs have prepared well for this and mostly have scheduled stocking events in the upcoming days ahead.

I tried to compile each of the HF WAHM stocking schedule I know of to make your custom cloth diaper stalking easier for you.

This list is partial, as of posting date, 3 December 2015, some WAHMs have yet to decide on their stocking schedule like Mommy Jaclyn of Myook Butts who mentioned they have yet to schedule but they will have, as well as Mommy Mel of Bebe Bottom. Anyway, let me know if I missed any — drop me a line here. If there are changes or whatever in the sched you can get in touch with me through the same link.

Anyway for those that I know here is the–

Philippine Cloth Diaper WAHMs Stocking Schedules for December 2015:

Philippine Cloth Diaper WAHMs Stocking Schedules for December 2015

1. Butt TalksMommy Josanne has two stocking schedules before the year ends. One on December 10, Thursday which will feature Dots and Figures, and another one on Christmas Day, December 25 which will feature the BT Fairy’s picks. Join her group stocking here.

2. The Baby Lamb — Mommy Clarissa scheduled her stocking on December 12 at 9pm featuring the theme “A Turquoise Christmas”. Join her stocking group here.

(Post continued below)

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3. Sparkling Rainbow — Mommy Kaye set their stocking scheduled on December 15, Tuesday, at 10PM Friday and she will feature flowers and halfties. Join the group here.

4. Little Bubba’s BumMommy Aiko will hold a stocking schedule on 17 December, Thursday featuring her eldest, Aikee’s Picks. Wait for her further announcement on the exact time of her stocking. Join her group stocking here.

5. Pooppeetrap — according to their stocking group their stocking schedule will be on December 18, Friday at 9PM.

So there you have it, hope you will be able to join these stockings. Will update this list as soon as i discover more stocking events.

If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with this video on caring for your baby’s cloth diapers:


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