Our sixth Work-at-Home-Mom of the Week continues to be instrumental in ensuring a good breastfeeding relationship between full-time work out of home moms and their nurslings.
I for one have purchased a great breast pump from her many, many years back, which helped me have a great breastfeeding journey with my eldest.
Without further ado presenting to all of you:
Happypinaymommy.com’s WAHM of the WEEK #6 Mommy Michelle Ann Oblea of BabyMama

Mommy Michelle takes pride in being able to help moms provide their babies the best nutrition even while away from them because of the demands of their jobs. Even great is that she provides pumping moms a more affordable options in terms of breast pumps that are indeed efficient in expressing milk, and in keeping the working mother’s BM supply up.
Apart from breast pumps and parts, Mommy Michelle’s website, babymama.ph also provides Pinay breastfeeding moms a wide array of breastfeeding-related products such as nursing wear, milk storage options, lactation aids like teas, herb capsules, lactation pastries, and the like — both local and imported. She also has slings, among the other many products that her shop offers, that support natural parenting.
More importantly, Mommy Michelle is happy to be spending more time with her family. Like the other WAHMs that we have featured, Mommy Michelle has a more flexible schedule now compared to when she was still doing the usual 8 to 5 grind.
Let us take a peek in the WAHM life of Mommy Michelle through an excerpt of our conversation with her:
Happypinaymommy: When did you decide to be a WAHM?
Mommy Michelle: I had a corporate career and went back to work after my first baby. Then when I got pregnant with my second baby, I had to go on bed rest and had to stay at home.
This was the first time I had so much time with my daughter ever since going back to work from maternity leave.
(Post continued below)
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HPM: What made you decide to be one?
Mommy Michelle: I really enjoyed the unhurried hours with my daughter at home. Before that, I would only see her a few minutes in the morning and then a couple of hours when I get home from work tired.
HPM: What is the greatest challenge you have faced in relation to being a WAHM?
Mommy Michelle: I missed my friends from the office. We were a small and really close department where everyone was nice and decent. I missed the daily interactions with my department mates, the lunch outs, birthday celebrations, mundane everyday conversations that carry on day to day.
It’s different when you meet up once in a while to catch up because the continuity is not there anymore and how you’re getting a daily dose of each other’s lives.
I think I was lonely for year and my husband had to keep taking me out on dates so I wouldn’t get depressed.
HPM: What advice can you give to those who may want to become a WAHM?
Mommy Michelle: A. Choose a business where you’re an expert about something you really love. The best business is when you see a need that nobody else addresses. Or if there are competitors already, you have better way of delivering the product.

B. Have savings before quitting work. Savings should cover capitalization as well as personal expenses. My small retirement package was my capital for the business.
C. Set expectations with hubby. My hubby knew that I wouldn’t be able to contribute to the household expenses while establishing the business. So we talked about what this will mean for him and tried to set goals/timetables.

HPM: Who inspires you?
Mommy Michelle: My customers inspire me. When I meet moms who say I made a difference in their breastfeeding, this really inspires me.
There was a mom who tried my pumps because she thought she didn’t have enough milk for her baby. When she tried it and so much milk flowed out, she cried because she was never confident that she could make enough milk for baby.
Another mom who just gave birth and whose baby could not latch went to the office with a whole baranggay of family members. I gave her tips to latch baby but she looked like she so exhausted, drained and was about to give up. When she tried the pump and she saw her milk for the first time, she also cried.
HPM: How does your husband support you?

Mommy Michelle: My husband is more of a visionary and he tells me about big picture things that (I think) will be relevant or practical 3-5 years down the road. I don’t have any imagination at all. I’m more of a daily doer, I just think of the tasks at hand and, at most, a 3-5 month project plan. So my husband is the big thinker for me.
He listens to my stories and jokes with me about them. He’s busy with his work at his office but whenever he comes to my office, he’s always willing to install lights or fixtures for me.
When we moved from our old office to our new office, my husband was the one coordinating every detail with the contractor and building admin (on top of his job) while I didn’t do a signal thing and deliberately didn’t think about it. He just took this on so I can just focus on running the business.
Mommy Michelle’s clients are very thankful that they now have access to great breast pumps that help them nourish their little ones. Mommy Jacquilyn Lara is a very proud pumping mommy thank to the Breast Pump she bought from Mommy Michelle.

Mommy Jacquilyn says she is very happy with the pump she bought from BabyMama.

Other moms are also raving about Mommy Michelle’s products.
Here is an FB Message one of her clients, Babymama Charibelle L. wrote for Mommy Michelle:
Hello ms.Miann! I just want you to know that I am so thankful to the Lord for leading me to your fb page. To tell you honestly, I was so worried as to how will I continue breastfeed my baby the moment I get back to work. They even told me to formula-feed my son for I cannot supply his needs while I’m away. Thank God I found your page. Yes, the pump is a bit pricey but it’s really worth the price! I thought breastfeeding my baby wouldn’t be possible but Spectra m1 has been an instrument for 3 months now in achieving my dream as a mother, and that is to give the best milk, my breastmilk.

To this FB Message, Mommy Michelle replied “Thank you so much, Charibelle! What you wrote brought tears to my eyes. i am so grateful that what we stand for and what we do has an impact on breastfeeding mommies and babies. thank you. you are an inspiration.”
So there you have it. Hope you have been inspired with the WAHM Life of Mommy Michelle, as she shares her experiences and WAHM wisdom to all of us. If you have a Work-From-Home-Mom that you would want to be featured, please feel free to head on over to my Facebook Page and leave me a message. Please hit the like button too so you could receive updates from Happypinaymommy.com directly on your newsfeed.
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on tips on pumping at work: