Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to buy Kawaii Cloth Diapers in the Philippines

Online shops where you can buy Kawaii Cloth Diapers in the Philippines. Photo CreditsThere are a lot of moms who swear by Kawaii Diapers, especially its GNHW or Good Night Heavy Wetter Diaper. Most of them say, it is the affordable solution to babies who have a tendency to flood their CDs overnight. And why not for an average of P450.00-500.00 apiece, as Krissy says, it is “sulit na sulit.”

Anyway, in its official website, the founder of this Canadian diaper brand explained that their cloth diapers, although superior in quality, are being sold cheaper compared to others because they do not have brick and mortar stores, they do not spend on marketing, and that they just rely on the recommendations of those who have tried their diapers.

But where can you buy Kawaii Cloth Diapers in the Philippines?

Here are some online stores you may want to check out:

1. Tina ClicknBuy – This Facebook shop has on-hand Kawaii diapers, and also offers pre-orders. Her on hand items include: Kawaii Mom Label Bamboo, which comes with two large Bamboo Inserts. In her latest pre-order album she has Kawaii Good Night Heavy Wetter & Snazzy Minky lines. Check out her FB Shop here.

2. Baby Chic Boutique – This FB Online shop carries on-hand Kawaii Diapers in various prints that will dazzle the eye of any cloth diaper addict. They have on hand Good Night Heavy Wetter Diapers, and the Kawaii Heavy Duty in solid colors. The solid colors (light Blue, Light Yellow, Olive, Light Green, Red, Dark Blue) are so nice to look at!

She also has the Kawaii Mom Label Minky Bamboo Charcoal, which comes with two bamboo charcoal inserts. This FB shop also sells Kawaii bamboo charcoal inserts. She also offers free shipping via Abest for those ordering four diapers and up.

Here is her FB Shop.

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3. Shiela Kabigting Erese – She mostly carries Bum Genius Diapers, but as she said in one of her most recent posts, she will soon re-stock on her ‘first love’ which is Kawaii Diapers. Check her page here every now and then.

4. Asya’s Cradle – This FB Online shop carries Kawaii Good Night Heavy Wetter Diapers, Kawaii Training Pants, the Heavy Duty line, and One Size Dual Closure. Check out her FB Page here.

So there you go. I am sure there are other shops that carry the brand. If your favorite Kawaii diaper seller is not included, please let me know through my FB Page, and i will gladly update the post.

Thanks mommies and happy shopping!

You may want to check out this video review of Kawaii Diapers:



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