It is but natural for us mommies to be on the look-out for ways to stretch our budget. As it is choosing to use cloth diapers is a great way to save already but cloth diaper sales and promos could make you stretch that peso even further.
I am no cloth diapering expert (but already a cloth diaper addict nonetheless — hihi), but just like any cloth diapering mama, I scour the internet for cloth diaper sales and promos to add to my growing stash of diapers. Of course, with the hidden agenda of better time management (hihi) so that I could do my laundry routine at least on an every other day basis and increase my stash given the rainy season.
The list I will be sharing with you are those from the shops that I know (I hope you can share with me some other stores that may have other cloth diaper sales and promos or discounts by leaving me a message on my FB page), and the ongoing promos they have posted lately.
So fellow CDing mommies, here’s part 1 of the Ongoing Online Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines:
1. Thrifty Mama Shoppe’s Alva Sale — They offer Alva 3.0’s with Micro Fiber inserts at P165.00 each for a minimum of six pieces, with free shipping as part of the soft launching of their website. Here is the coupon code for this promo: freeshipping. Check out their new website here.

2. Vezees Closet – Vezees has a Newbie Sale for new moms who may want to try out different cloth diapering systems. Five diapers (Alva Double Gusset Cover Baby Land, Babyland Pure Charcoal, Alva 3.0, and Eco Pwet, choose your own designs for P1,200.00 plus a free Babyland wetbag, and free shipping.
She also has a ‘Dozen Sale’ – 12 pieces of plain/solid Alva 3.0 with three-layer Micro Fiber insert for P1,900.00 with free shipping.
Check out her FB Shop here.

Related Posts:
- Mid August 2015, Updated Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos
- Ongoing Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines – Part 2
- Top Ten Signs that you are a Cloth Diaper Addict
- Where to Buy Cloth Diapers in Manila
- Local WAHMs that Make Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines
- Drying Cloth Diapers During the Rainy Season
- How to Disinfect your Washing Machine
3. Quigle Baby – Pack of 5 Sale – Five Alva or Babyland Diapers with three-layer micro fiber inserts for P950.00 with free shipping. They also have some diaper covers that are on sale. From P185.00 some have been marked down to just P160.00 per piece.
They did not label this as a sale but I think it is a good deal still! Their QB Pockets have a 5 for 950 set, too! Check out their website here.

4. Sky’s the Limit – They have a lot of promos here! First is the five pieces of printed cloth diapers, plus five pieces three-layer microfiber for P1,000.00 with free shipping. They also have the 4 for P1,000 promo which comes with four printed diapers plus eight pieces micro fiber inserts with free shipping nationwide. Both promos could have upgraded inserts – P40.00 each for bamboo charcoal, and P80.00 each for tri-fold or quadfold depending on their availability.
5 for P1,200 Promo – Five Printed Cloth Diapers, plus 5 pieces Bamboo Charcoal 5-layer insert. Insert can be upgraded to a four-layer hemp by adding P10.00 each, or P40.00 each for a quadfold night insert upgrade.
Plain Promo – 10 pieces of three-Layer Microfiber Inserts, plus five Plain Cloth Diapers for P1,100.00 only. Free Shipping for Metro Manila Area, and P50.00 for only for provincial areas.
Cover Promo – Four Covers plus eight charcoal inserts for P1,200.00 and free shipping for NCR, and just P50.00 for provincial areas. Can be upgraded to quadfold for only P40.00 apiece.
Check out their FB Page here.

5. Erichel’s Kit – They have a promo Starter Set at P1,200.00 which includes six pieces of assorted cloth diapers (Alva 3.0, Alva Plain, Baby land Regular, and Naughty Baby) plus corresponding 3-layer microfiber inserts and free shipping nationwide. These can be upgraded to a 5-layer Bamboo Charcoal Insert for P40.00 each.
Shell Saver Pack 555 Promo – at P1450.00, this bundle ships free nationwide and contains five pieces of regular cloth diapers, five pieces of three-layer microfiber inserts, and five pieces of five-layer Bamboo Charcoal Insert.
Exclusive CDing Sale – Get 15 pieces of Regular Cloth Diapers for P2,800.00 plus free shipping nationwide. Can choose from Alva 3.0 printed or plain, and Babyland cloth diapers
Check out their FB Page here.

Click here for Part-2 of the Ongoing Online Cloth Diaper Sales and Promos in the Philippines.
So sisters, just a disclaimer, check out the FB stores yourself because it could be possible that details may have changed, supplies may have ran out, or stuff like that. I provided the links so you can personally check out these promos. Please let me know as well if your favorite shop has an ongoing cloth diaper promo that has not been included in this post (You may get in touch with me through my FB Page). For Lucas and Co. fans, their promo ended in last July 31, so let’s just wait if they will have a new one for the month.
Happy shopping!!!
Meanwhile here is a cute video on cloth diapering that you may want to check out: