It is the time of the year once again when we will have to shop around for gifts for people we hold dear.
Apart from our children, we all have babies in our lives whom we want to give gifts to this Christmas. Inaanaks, Pamangkins, Babies of Friends, Officemates, Neighbors etc. and the thing is we should strike a balance on heartfelt giving and staying within our budgets right?
So after grouping your Christmas gift recipients and allotting a budget for each group, you determine that there is a group of babies in your life whose gift budget falls under P100.00 each. But what can you buy with just P100.00???
Do not fret ladies, there are cutesy patootsy, cheap yet cheerful and fun gifts that you may give these little tots, and the good news is I have compiled them for you! Actually this is the start of a series of affordable yet adorable Christmas gift posts that I will be coming up with in the next couple of weeks (but hey there are only about four 1/2 weeks left before Christmas!!!). I have written about Christmas gift suggestions before but this particular series is hinged on being able to meet a certain budget.
Anyway, to jump start this series, here is my first batch of suggestions:
Cute Christmas Gifts under P100 for Babies in the Philippines
- Bandana Bibs – Lucas and Lucia sells fab looking bandana bibs at P85.00 each. You can choose a fabric from her roster of happy prints. Production takes 3-4 days. I suggest that you buy several pieces to max out on the shipping cost. Here is a link to their page.
(Post Continued Below)
You may also want to read:
- Christmas Gift ideas for babies
- Where to buy Cheap and Cheerful Christmas Decorations
- Online shops that sell Christmas-Print Cloth Diapers
- Where to buy Christmas Costumes for your Baby and Young Kids
- Online shops that sell imported and local Woven Wraps
- Local Breastfeeding Information – Where to buy Lactation Cookies, Efficient and Hardworking Breast pumps, Hands-free Pumping Bras
- Local Cloth Diapering information – Where to buy Zorb Inserts, Where to order birthstat nappies, online shops that sell BumGenius Cloth Diapers
- Audri Dresses – The Baby Depot Manila (TBDM) makes and sells these super cute summer dresses for baby girls at just P50.00 apiece, and they are super cute! Mommy Jelly, the WAHM behind TBDM, named the dresses after her baby girl Audrina. Join their FB Group here for stocking schedules.
- Stomach Belly Warmer – This one is being sold in individual pieces or sets, each costs P100.00. Check it out at Jasmine Summer’s here.
- Carter’s Cut-Out Bibs – Get some adorable cut out bibs at Baby Fourth’s for just P100.00 each if you will buy at least three pieces! So buy for each of your kid’s play mates in your church or neighborhood. Check out their FB store here.
So there you have it. I hope you’re able to check out and consider the gift suggestions above. I will be updating this post as I discover more budget-friendly gift ideas. If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.
Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy.
If you are feeling crafty, then you may wanna check out this DIY Baby Burp Cloth Instructional Video: