Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to buy Amber Teething Necklaces in the Philippines

buy amber teething necklace in the Philippines
Baby Ciann Gonzales wore an Amber Teething Necklace from five months till he was about 10 months old, and according to his mommy Tricia, the necklace had been effective in keeping Ciann’s teething pain at bay. Read on the article to know where you can buy amber teething necklace in the Philippines. (Special thanks to Mommy Tricia Gonzales for allowing us to use Ciann’s picture)

Teething babies are cranky and really hard to appease. And this is the reason why moms have always been on the lookout for solutions for teething concerns.

There are teething necklaces and chewblings, frozen teethers and washcloths, pedia-prescribed gum wipes, and for some even pain relievers.

Some experienced moms however swear by amber teething necklaces as a way to help alleviate teething pain.

A short research on the world wide web will tell you that Amber teething necklaces contain a natural pain reliever or analgesic that can be physically absorbed by the body. A growing number of moms here and abroad have been raving about how having their little ones wear I, helped their babies through the pain brought about by the teething phase.

But where do you get them locally?

Here’s a list of —

Where to buy Amber Teething Necklaces in the Philippines:

1. Tina Dominic — This Facebook seller famous for reselling Sun Baby cloth diapers among other baby products, also has on-hand amber teething necklaces for your little one. Last time i check it costs around 700-800 pesos. Check out her shop here.

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2. Celestina & Co. — This local shopping website famous for dainty kids’ dresses also sell amber teething necklaces. They sell about five types the last time i checked. Inquire their prices now in their shop here.

So, there you have it. I am sure there are other shops that sell Amber Teething Necklaces in the Philippines. I promise to update this post as soon as I get to discover more.  Hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with this video on Amber Teething Necklaces:

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