I was about eleven years old when I had my confirmation alongside my older brother. I do not even remember what took place during that ceremony, nor where we ate right after.
A quick research though defined confirmation as “the perfection of Baptism.” The priest lays the hand on the person to be confirmed to signify the descent of the Holy Spirit on that person. She or he will be then anointed with Chrism to “seal the gift of Holy Spirit.”
Anyway, going back to my story, fast forward ten years later, one of my closest childhood friend had to get married at 20.
And that was when I realized another importance of the sacrament of confirmation or” kumpil.” You need to receive this sacrament before you can get married or receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Anyway, usually confirmation is offered in Catholic schools and even in parishes for children about 8 to 16 years old and have already received their First Communion. So for those of you who would like to have your children confirmed, go to your parish church and inquire about the schedule. If there is already a confirmed schedule you can then ask for their specific requirements, but basically here are the —
Requirements for Catholic Confirmation in the Philippines:
- Baptismal Certificate — You must present the baptismal certificate to your parish office. If your parent does not have a personal copy of your Baptismal Certificate, you can get your baptismal certificate in the parish where you have been christened. You usually will have to request from the parish office a copy of your baptismal certificate, and depending on your parish, they will give you a set time or day when you can pick up your requested copy. They may or may not also require some fees for the certification. Bring an original copy and a photocopy, they may require to see the original certificate and ask you to leave the photocopy with them.
- Accomplished Form – Your parish will ask you to fill out a form on the request for confirmation, where you will have to put in some personal information, which may include the date you were baptized, and the Parish where you have received the Sacrament of Baptism so make sure you have that information with you.
- Pair of Ninongs and Ninangs or Witnesses – Lately some churches have been more conscious about the Ninangs and Ninongs for Baptism, so expect that some parishes (I am not saying all) may require that you present a copy of your would-be ninong and ninang’s baptismal certificate. Otherwise, just have their names ready, in case you would have to indicate that in the form.
(Post Continued Below)
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- Confirmation Fee – The amount that you would have to pay for the confirmation rites would highly depend on your parish.
- Attendance to the Seminar – There is an orientation seminar prior to the confirmation rites, and the schedule of which will be confirmed with you upon inquiring with your parish office. A priest or the lay person who will conduct the seminar will be orienting you on what the sacrament is all about, what will be expected of you as Catholics, as well as the importance of the ritual in your life as a catholic.
Make sure that on D-day, you will be at least 10-15 minutes early, and that you are dressed appropriately according to the Church’s Dress Code – No skimpy and revealing clothes, no shorts, no slippers. Bring a white candle with you.
If and when you badly need to get confirmed, like if for instance you would have to get married ASAP, there are some parishes that conduct confirmation services all year round. You may want to check out the San Miguel Parish in Malacanang Compound in Manila, if they still conduct year-round confirmation services.
Again, please do not assume that these are the ONLY requirements for Catholic Confirmation in the Philippines, as these may slightly vary from parish to parish, so when you inquire, make sure to get a copy of the requirements from your church.
On my end, I will update this post, if and when I would learn more. Thank you and hope you can stop by happypinaymommy’s Facebook page to receive happypinaymommy.com’s regular updates straight on your newsfeed.
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on Catholic Confirmation in the Philippines: