If you are a crafty babywearing mama, and you are looking for Tula print fabric, then this post is for you.
I have compiled a list of some online shops that sell Tula print fabric in the Philippines. Just like in my past posts on tula accessories, and Tula Print Cloth Diapers the shops i will be enumerating are online-based.
Anyway, here is where you can buy Tula Accessories in the Philippines:
1. Mackenzie – Has a vast and wonderful selection of Tula fabrics. Check out her Facebook Store here.
2. DJs Cloth Diaper Fabric – Carries Tula Fabrics. Check stocks and availability in her Facebook Page here.
(Post Continued Below)
You may also want to read:
- Where to buy Tula Baby Carriers
- Shops that rent out Tula Baby Carriers
- Online Shops and WAHMs where you can order Tula Accessories
- Local online shops that sell Lenny Lamb Baby Carrier
- Where to buy Tula Print Cloth Diapers
- Where to Buy Breast milk Pumps, and Pumping Needs and Accessories
- Legitimate Websites that provide Work From Home Opportunities
- Where to buy Fabric for your DIY Cloth Diaper Project (PUL etc)
- Where to buy Sewing Machines
3. Peewee Mama – Has on hand Tula Print Fabrics as of posting date. Check out her page here.
So there you have it. I am sure there are other Fabric Stores where you may buy Tula Print Fabric in the Philippines. You may check out this post on Fabric Stores for your DIY Projects so you could get updated on their latest offerings. On my part I will be updating this post as I discover more. Again, I included the links of the stores so that you could personally check on their prices and product availability. If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.
Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy.
Leaving you with this video on DIY Tula Teething Pad Project: