Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to buy Ecopwet Cloth Diapers

If you are looking for Ecopwet cloth diapers then this post is for you.

Ecopwet cloth diapers, as we know is a locally-branded China nappy owned and distributed by the hardworking WAHM Mommy Maricor Fernandez of Vezees Closet (read our feature on her inspiring WAHM story here).

After its launch late last year, Ecopwet has already gone a long way. From its Version 4.0 which is a Charcoal Lined-Double Gusset Pocket Diaper (and then some Limited Edition Prints after), it now also offers Double Gusset Cover-Type Cloth Diapers, BG-Inspired Cloth Diapers which is being called Ecopwet 5.0, and then the Pure Charcoal Pocket Cloth Diapers, as well as the Ecopwet XL Pure Charcoal.

ECOPWET CLoth Diapers in the Philippines
This photo was sent to me by Mommy Maricor for her WAHM feature. I thought of using it again in this post for you to see the features of the Ecopwet 4.0

Anyway, Mommy Maricor helps other moms to become WAHMs themselves by wholesaling her cloth diaper products and having a re-seller program.

Before I get carried away though, I know most of you are reading this post in search of where to buy Ecopwet cloth diapers so here are the FB online shops that resell Ecopwet based on my research–

Where to buy Ecopwet Cloth Diapers:

1. Vezees Closet — is of course Mommy Maricor’s FB store. So if you want to buy wholesale or be a reseller too this is where you can get in touch with here. Here is the link.

2. Fuzzi bums – Is another Ecopwet resellers. Her FB shop also retails other China Nappies like Alva and Babyland. She also has Washable Mama Pads, as well as other Baby needs. Here is a link to her shop.

(Post Continued Below)


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3. Nappy.ph – Is another FB shop that resells Ecopwet cloth diapers among other China Nappies. Check out Mommy Bianca’s FB store here.

Reseller Stocks of Ecopwet 4.0. Thank you Mommy Bianca Pantoja Dela Cruz of Nappy.ph for lending us this photo of your stocks.

4. My Happy Nappy — also resells Ecopwet cloth diapers among other China nappies like Quigle Bum which i mentioned in a recent post. Here is a link to Mommy Brenda’s Online Shop.

5. My Bebe Kurt Washable Diapers – Is another FB Cloth Diaper shop that sells China Nappies like Alva, Babyland, and of course Ecopwet. Check out her site here.

6. B/S/Ts — if you are okay with buying pre-loved Ecopwet Cloth Diapers then regularly check out Buy, Sell and Trade groups online to score well-loved Ecopwet Cloth Diapers.

7. UPDATED: 2/3/2016: Sabryder Online Store — Is yet another FB Online shop that sells Ecopwet Cloth Diapers. This shop is owned by WAHM Mommy Michelle Alday-Carandang. Apart from cloth diapers they also sell other baby stuff such as baby leg warmers, bibs, feeding bottles and many more. Check out her FB Store here.

So, there you have it. I am sure there are other shops that resell Ecopwet Cloth Diapers. I promise to update this post as soon as i get to discover more.  Hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy.

Leaving you with this video on how to sanitize cloth diapers:

Where to buy Quigle Bum Cloth Diapers in the Philippines


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