Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to Buy Hemp Inserts in Manila

Where to buy hemp inserts in manila? Check out these shops. (Photo Credits)Apart from Zorb, which i mentioned in my previous article here, one of the most recommended nighttime boosters of experienced cloth diapering moms is Hemp.

Apart from it being super absorbent or thirsty, it is trim ergo it will not bulk up your baby’s nighttime or going out cloth diaper that much. I first heard about it from my US Based Cloth Diaper Group. Some of the members are actually raving about this brand.

Anyway, since i have no means to procure one at that time, i tried sourcing hemp inserts locally, and since i found a seller we have been personally using it. In fact we have survived with just five or six in our stash, if i am not mistaken. We just use it at night and when going out. Paired with microfiber it lasts the whole night for a medium wetter baby.

Some moms of older babies pair it with quadfold or trifolds for maximum absorbency overnight.

So where can we buy hemp inserts in Manila?

Here are some online and Facebook shops that you can check:

1. Vezees Closet — she has a Four-layer hemp organic cotton which retails at P130.00 each and can be bought at P120.00 when you buy ten. You may also upgrade your inserts to hemp by adding around P70.00. Check out her page here.

2.  Baby Chic boutique — They have a four-layer Hemp/Cotton Jersey Blend. According to its site, it is “super thin and super absorbent, these inserts make the perfect doubler/booster for heavy wetters and for night time cloth nappying! The Baby Chic Hemp measure 12cm x 39cm.” It retails for P150.00 each and they have bulk discounts too: P710 for 5 pieces, and P1,350 for 10 pieces. Check out her shop here.

3. Cloth Diaper Supplies PH — Haven’t personally tried buying from this shop, but they carry Hemp Fabric, that some moms cut in the usual flat cloth diaper size, and fold it pad style for boosting their pocket or cover type cloth diapers. Join the group here.

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4. Quigle Baby — They sell Quigle Bum Hemp Organic Cotton Jersey Flats which retails at P195.00 per piece. According to the site, it is “made of single layer of 55% Hemp and 45% Organic Cotton Jersey.” Size is 27″ x 27″. They also have a four-layer Hemp Organic Cotton Jersey Insert which is “made of four absorbent layers of all-natural hemp and organic cotton jersey. It fits most Pockets, All-In-Ones, All-In-2s, Hybrids, Fitteds, Prefolds and Covers.” It retails at P140.00 each. Here is their FB Page.

5. PMC Baby Shop — They have a four-layer Hemp Organic Cotton insert which retails at P160.00 each. Check out their store here.

6. Sky’s the limit — Possibly the lowest-priced four-layer hemp organic cotton offered online. Hers retails for just P95.00 each. Check the availability here. UPDATED 12/12/2015: Sky’s the limit has a new Hemp Insert Product — the Trifold Hemp! It promises to be a great nighttime solution for heavy-wetting toddlers 🙂

7. Lucas and Co. — They offer a four-layer Hemp Jersey which retails for P120.00 each. Check out their FB store here.

8. UPDATED 12/12/2015: Maria Isabel Allardo Jaranilla — Is a promising WAHM who customizes inserts, and she has hemp. Get in touch with her through her Personal Page here.

There may be other stores that carry Hemp inserts.I promise to update this post as soon as i discover more. Hope you can also like my Facebook Page, to receive regular updates from happypinaymommy.com straight on your newsfeed.

So what is your nighttime combo?

Leaving you here with a video demo on hemp inserts:


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