If you have been wanting to order a one-of-a-kind cloth diaper for your little one then might as well order a Birthstat Nappy for her. There are a lot of WAHMs that offer customized hand-made cloth diapers that show your baby’s name, birthdate, time or birth, birth weight etc. in different cool designs!
Definitely a perma-stash material, this is also perfect for photo shoots and first birthdays.
Here is a list of some local WAHM brands where you can order Cloth Diapers with Birthstats in the Philippines:
- Baby Lamb – Mommy Clarissa has super nice, and really classy birthstat nappies that she started offering recently. Check out the designs in her website here.
- Bumble Bebe – Is also offering Birthstat Nappies. Check out the design in her FB Page here.
(Post Continued Below)
You may also want to read:
- FB and Online Cloth Diaper Sellers in Manila
- Drying Cloth Diapers During the Rainy Season
- All About Cloth Diapering
- Where to buy BumGenius Diapers
- Online Shops that sell Menstrual Cloth Pads
- Where to buy GroVia Cloth Diapers
- Cloth Diapering Tips for Condo Living Families
- Local Breastfeeding Information
- Bebe Bottom – This Local WAHM Brand also offers Birthstat nappies, in cute lay-outs and colors. Join her stocking group here.
- Butt Talks – Mommy Josanne has also opened pre orders for her birthstat nappies, which if I am not mistaken comes in four different lay-outs. Join her FB Group here.
- Little Bubba’s Bum — Has very nice Birthstat Nappies that of course work really well! Check it out here.
So there you have it, I am sure there are other WAHMs that are offering Birthstat Nappies. I promise to update this post once I learn about more local WAHMs that offer such.
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Thank you so much!
Leaving you with a video on embroidering cloth diapers: