Been a while since I have posted a real blog post for our weekly Filipino meal plan 2017. I usually do the catching up through our social media channels particularly Facebook and Instagram.
In any case, for those of you who have yet to come up with your own menu plan pinoy cooking for the week, sharing with you our Happypinaymommy meal plan for the week:
Weekly Filipino Meal Plan 2017 May 29:

You can go to our Facebook or Instagram page so you can save it easily, or just bookmark this post.
If you have noticed there’s not much meat recipes this week, because we are consciously trying to lower our meat consumption. We believe this is good for both our health and our budget.
Also, we are bringing in more shrimps in our diet because we have summed up the courage to let achiebells taste it and she did not get any itch, allergy whatsoever. Plus found a supplier from Gensan that sells fresh frozen ones at costs much lower than that those that are sold in groceries! So maybe, her allergies are clearing up. Nuts seems to make her itchy still though.
If you want to get some easy and happy shrimp recipes, please check out this past post.
(Post continued below)
- Eight Filipino Recipes under P100.00 — 2016 Edition
- Seven Filipino Reciped Under P100 — 2015 Edition
- Lunch Baon Ideas for Kids Part 2
- Filipino Lumpia Recipes under P100.00
- Filipino Dessert Recipes under P100.00
- Filipino Veggie Dishes under P100.00
- Meatless Meals for the family
- Past Weekly Meal Plans
For those of you who may already be preparing (or bracing) for the next school year, allow me to invite you to our posts on preparing for your children’s (and even the mister’s) baon. These includes a post on quick breakfasts too for those hurried mornings!
I will be coming up with more baon related post soon to help you out with your meal and baon planning, and in mapping out your grocery list.
And as usual, we have our budget ulam recipes and lists for those of you who may want to save up on food expenses, or are working on a tighter budget since we are still on the run up for payday.
So there you have it, I will posting a new meal plan again next week. Meantime, if you wish to scour great dessert recipes, you may want to check out Good Housekeeping’s Dessert Cook Book featuring Brownie Recipes — buy it here
Please drop by my facebook page or Instagram Account for feedbacks, comments or recipe suggestions
Looking forward to hearing from you. A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video clip on budget friendly Filipino recipes: