Hi ladies! Forgive me for being one day late in sharing with you, happypinaymommy.com‘s meal plan for the upcoming week. Achi had another dental thingie, and my tiny schedule was kinda rocked yesterday because of it.
Anyway, as i say every week, I am sharing with you our meal plan to help you map out your meals for next week and streamline your shopping list for this weekend.
So here it is, the happypinaymommy.com‘s weekly meal plan for Sept 14-21, 2015:

So if you will notice i tried my very best to choose healthy meals and limit pork and beef intake. I believe this is not just healthy for the body, it is also good for the wallet!
(Post continued below)
Related stories:
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Lumpia recipes that are under P100 to make
Past weekly meal plans
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A busy mom’s guide to daily meal preparation
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I also included in this week’s meal plan more recipes from the Seven Filipino Ulam Recipes under P100.00 post i earlier published.
This is again to help most of us save since Christmas season is just around the corner.
I hope you also saw my effort to include more fruits, vegetables and fish-based dishes in this week’s meals. A lot of people i know are getting sick lately and their doctors are telling them that lifestyle is a contributory factor to their illnesses.
Anyway, hope i was able to help you out this week. Feel free to print out, bookmark, or take a screencap of our meal plan to help you in your own meal planning endeavors.
If you are looking for a more detailed guide in planning healthy family meals, then check out this ebook called “Plan it don’t Panic”. It is a very nice read, and a helpful resource for us mommies — you can get it here. You can always download a free reader for this once you have decided to purchase the e book.
Hope you can also drop by my FB page, and hit the like button so you could receive happypinaymommy.com updates straight from your newsfeed.
Thank you and till next post!
A happy homemaker is a happy Pinay mommy 🙂
Leaving you with chef boy’s video cooking my craving du jour Crispy Adobong Pusit! YAY!!!!:
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