Been a long time since my last weekly meal plan post, and I am really sorry. Life and motherhood happens and so I can hardly type in front of my computer when my two nurslings are up and about, and when the eldest has exams and assignments to finish.
Anyway, I would like to share with you the Filipino meal plan that I have drafted for the week. I strive harder this time to include fish dishes as they are easier to cook, and are healthier compared to fried meals and red meats.
Here’s our weekly Filipino meal plan for the first week of December 2017:

As always, I have taken into consideration left overs, as well as days where meals will be mostly using up left overs in the refrigerator. Food should be consumed within two to three days to avoid spoilage and food poisoning, thus if you are cooking in big batches, the food has to be frozen after it has cooled to room temperature.
Overnight oats are also amazing, because all you have to do is to make sure that you have oatmeal and some dried fruits like raisins and dried mangoes in your refrigerator, and this should be a go-to-quick and healthy breakfast for everyone. It is such an easy breakfast to prepare because as the name suggests, you have to make it the night before! Caution though on the use of honey for babies, so skip that drizzle if you would be giving them some of this quick brekky.
(Post continued below)
You may also want to read:
- One Month P100.00 Weekly Filipino Budget Meal Plan Challenge
- Eight Filipino Recipes under P100.00 — 2016 Edition
- Seven Filipino Recipes Under P100 — 2015 Edition
- Lunch Baon Ideas for Kids Part 2
- Filipino Lumpia Recipes under P100.00
- Filipino Dessert Recipes under P100.00
- Filipino Veggie Dishes under P100.00
- Meatless Meals for the family
- Past Weekly Meal Plans
Chicken Lomi meantime is new to me. This will be an experiment on my part as it will be the first time I will be using fresh noodles sold in grocery stores. I was actually inspired by a mom I follow over at IG (@jennyhennypot) who cooks fresh noodles for her children. Hopefully it will be a success for us because my three littles are noodle monsters.
Again I will endeavor to resume my weekly posting of meal plans. I will be updating as well the meal plan album on our FB Page so if you have time, and you want a compilation you can save on your mobile devices, please check out our FB album.
Meantime, if you wish to scour great dessert recipes, you may want to check out Good Housekeeping’s Dessert Cook Book featuring Brownie Recipes — buy it here
Please drop by my facebook page or Instagram Account for feedbacks, comments or recipe suggestions.
Looking forward to hearing from you. A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video clip on pinoy homecooking from the husband of one of my favorite vloggers, Kitz Clutzina: