Happy Pinay Mommy

Documents Needed to Process Philippine Maternity Benefits


The Documents Soon-to-be Working Moms Have to Prepare to Process Philippine Maternity Benefits

Process Maternity Benefits
Documents needed to Process Maternity Benefits. (Photo Credits: Kasaa, CC: Some Rights Reserved)

Once you have confirmed that you are pregnant, the next thing you should be doing as a soon-to-be working mother is to prepare the documents that you will be needing to process your maternity benefits.

As soon as you got your first ultrasound (usually the dating ultrasound is the first one which happens before twelve weeks) you can already file your maternity notice in the office.

I suggest though that before filing with HR, you may want to inform first your immediate superior about your pregnancy, and lay down whatever plans you may have after giving birth. Usually they need assurance that you are coming back, and what your plans are about who will be taking your place and doing your job while you are away.

After letting your boss know, email the HR office to inform them about your pregnancy and to inquire what you should do to apply for your maternity benefits. You may also want to look at your company handbook or employee online guide as to what maternity benefits are available to you.

Here are the documents to file for Philippine Maternity Benefits:

1.SSS Maternity Notification Form (Mat-1) – Your HR has this form, which they can most likely email to you so you do not have to go back and forth to their office. If they do not have it, you may download it here. Attach the original ultrasound result with printed ultrasound photo, plus a photocopy of your SSS ID or if you do not have it, a photocopy of your two Valid IDs.How much will you be getting? Your HR colleague may help you compute, or if she won’t you may find out here. 

(Post Continued Below)

You may also want to read:


3. Company Forms to process your maternity benefit – This varies from company to company. Some offer paid maternity leaves, some do not but offer a token amount that will be given to you upon returning to work or before going on Maternity Leave. Best to find out beforehand.

4. Health Insurance Forms (Letters of Authorization) – Inquire as well if your HMO Provider will cover your maternity expenses. Best to get more than one letter of authorization for check ups and lab work in case this will be needed. Inquire as well how to go about your delivery and what will be covered and what won’t be covered.

On our next post, we will tackle what documents you should request from the HR, and what documents you should prepare and bring to the hospital with you on D-Day. Please drop by my Facebook page when you are free, and hope you can hit the like button too while you are at it, to receive happypinaymommy.com updates straight from your newsfeed..

Thank you, and have a safe delivery ladies!

Leaving with you a video on 4D Ultrasound:



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