Our Work-at-Home Mom of the week is an Intentional Parenting Advocate, a social entrepreneur, a loving wife, and a mom to two adorable kids. She not only supports breastfeeding through her products, she also helps breastfeeding moms earn a side income through reselling of her products. Without further ado, let me present to you our:
Work-at-Home Mommy of the Week#10, Mommy Lan San Juan-Perez of Mother Nurture

True to her company’s name, Mommy Lan continues to help nurture breastfeeding mothers through chocolate and coffee mixes that do not only help support lactation. To some moms who patronize her beverage mixes, Mother Nurture also serves as an additional source of income for their respective families through Mother Nurture’s Authorized Reseller’s Program.
Mommy Lan says, what started as a breastfeeding journey, turned into an advocacy. So from a full-time work-out-of-home mom, Mommy Lan has become a social entrepreneur committed to pursuing her breastfeeding advocacy and empowering fellow nursing moms.
Let’s take a peek into the WAHM Life of Mommy Lan, and get inspired to pursue our dreams, and respond to our calling.
Here is an excerpt of our interview with her:
Happy Pinay Mommy: When did you decide to be a WAHM?
Mommy Lan: I worked with several companies, and started to build a family by the age of 24. I continued working full time until I had my second child, which was five years after. When I learned about INTENTIONAL PARENTING (breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing and homeschooling), that was the time I realised that I wanted to be a full-time home maker. Then unexpectedly, a great opportunity came, from a devoted SAHM I got “promoted” to WAHM.
(Post continued below)
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HPM: What made you decide to be one?
Mommy Lan: In my case, it was not planned. I didn’t even imagined to be a WAHM. Though I came from a family of businessmen. The “business” idea came out of love and my ultimate passion – BREASTFEEDING. That’s why I don’t consider this as work, much more of an advocacy.

HPM: What is the greatest challenge you have faced in relation to being a WAHM?
Mommy Lan: Time Management – I need to strictly follow my schedule so I can fulfil my role as a wife, mother and entrepreneur. Though it’s challenging, I try my best to be efficient as possible in all three areas.
HPM: What advice can you give to those who may want to become a WAHM?
Mommy Lan: I was invited to share “MY STORY” to one of the schools in Pasig. These are the FOUR Simple and Practical ways to start a business: (1) Be Innovative. Realistic, Useful and with Social Relevance; (2) Be Passionate. Gives you a PURPOSE and LIFE; (3) Be Faithful. It’s not only about you, it should be ALL about HIM. (4) Be Obedient. Once you know what GOD wants you to do, by all means, OBEY.
HPM: Can you tell us more about Mother Nurture, and how it helps fellow mothers through your reselling program?

Mommy Lan: The business model of Mother Nurture is to support fellow moms. We offer a reseller program to deserving moms who shares the same passion for Breastfeeding. All our resellers are breastfeeding moms either a.) full time working pero still sustain their breastfeeding and excels sa career nila or b) full time home maker who gave up their career for their family. By being an MN Reseller, we are spreading accurate infos about breastfeeding. Main Goal is to educate, encourage and inspire every Filipino family to a sustainable breastfeeding. Also, may added income sila. Malaking help sa finances nila lalo na sa SAHM — parang ako na-promote to become a WAHM.
HPM: Who inspires you?
Mommy Lan: “God, Family and all my fellow breastfeeding moms. ‘When you acquire GOD, you gain EVERYTHING!’ I believe that GOD gave me Mother Nurture for a purpose. This is to reach out to fellow breastfeeding moms, to remind them that Breastfeeding is HIS design. There may be challenges they will surpass it through FAITH and continuous prayers. Next is my family, I want to give them the best of me. Not necessarily with material things, I want them to remember that “Mommy” or “Didi” was there as a PILLAR and to SAVOR. Lastly, my fellow breastfeeding moms. Through Mother Nurture I was able to connect to hundreds of moms. (I’m quite the shy type kasi before). This helped me became more outgoing and confident. It became a venue where you will be able to exchange breastfeeding stories, sharing tips on how to deal certain challenges, encouragement and affirmation from one another was big plus. The fact that they are willing to open up to you was just flattering, even more when i received feedback from them — overwhelming.”
HPM: How does your husband/partner support you?

Mommy Lan: My husband Anthony is very supportive of what I believe in. Even before Mother Nurture, he had “recruits.” He would talk to his peers in the office, car clubs, etc. educating them how breastfeeding became beneficial to our family. He also understands my stand to “Normalize Breastfeeding”, I don’t cover up while breastfeeding even in public. He also supports me in my decision to extended breastfeeding, we will only stop breastfeeding once my son self-weans. Now, he would help me in packing and shipping orders, he devoted his MWF night to help me pack and ship orders.
HPM: Can you tell us how your usual day/week goes?
Mommy Lan: “Every MWF, I do shipping for Mother Nurture Orders. On an average we ship out to 70 persons, around 500 packs per week. My office hours is every M-F 9-11am, then resumes 5-7pm. I dedicate four hours a day for Mother Nurture, working 20 hours a week.”

“Durings TTHSSun, this is when I focus on my kids, especially my eldest who I homeschool. We do reading, researching, cooking, arts and other outdoor activities. Simultaneously, I breastfeed my 29 month old son. On the side, Tuesday Morning is my “sharing day” with my Spiritual Mentor. While every Thursday night is our date night. I don’t work on a weekend and Holidays, (though sometimes tempting), I devote our weekends to our family. Having a break from my so called work, helps keep my sanity.”
“Though my schedule is almost full, I see to it that it’s always balanced. That’s also the beauty of being a WAHM, you can always shift to areas that needed your utmost attention.”
Like in our past WAHM of the WEEK features, we also asked Mommy Lan’s clients about her products.
Mommy Dien Estrella, for instance is happy about how the beverage mixes helped her to have a stable breast milk supply.

Mommy Dien says: “all I can say is that, Mother Nurture helped me thru my breastfeeding journey with my son. I am OC about maintaining my milk supply, I would try anything from Malunggay, to malt containing beverages, to lactation cookies. I had all of these, but when I learned about MN (it was great as) it is already complete! I don’t need malunggay because it already has, and plus it’s not that fattening cause it doesn’t have sugar- they use all natural stevia instead. There was a time that I was really into the chocolate flavor that I cant end the day without drinking it. It enhances my milk supply. I even noticed my milk was whiter? Maybe because it enhances the milk. There is a balance of quantity and quality! I love Mother Nurture, thru this way i don’t only get to benefit from the product but I was able to help other mommies as well who order- thru counseling. Thanks to MN, we are more than satisfied.”
Another happy Mother Nurture Client is Mommy Shiela. She does not only enjoy the products, she is also one of Mother Nurture’s authorized re-sellers. “When I gave birth it took two weeks before my milk came out. I tried looking for products that could possibly help to increase my milk production until a friend gave me a sachet of Mother Nurture choco mix. I enjoyed the product and it worked for me as well. I looked for its seller on Instagram, and found out that they are open to re-sellers, so I sent them an email. For now I am not just selling the product because I also aim to inspire other moms to breastfeed, and at the same time I want to show people the importance of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding really inspires me to resell the product.The owner (Mommy Lan) is also very inspiring, (as she is a) well-motivated and God-centered woman.

So there you have it, hope you have all been inspired to follow your dreams, take your advocacy to the next level while taking care of your kids and family. If you have a Work-From-Home-Mom that you would want to be featured, please feel free to head on over to my Facebook Page and leave me a message. Please hit the like button too so you could receive updates from Happypinaymommy.com directly on your newsfeed.
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on the benefits of breastfeeding: