Happy Pinay Mommy

Cloth diapers for toddlers in the Philippines

Cloth diapers for toddlers is something I know I have to deal with soon, as my little toddler is getting chunkier, and bigger day by day. Don’t grow up too fast, I whispered to myself as I fasten my middle child’s new cloth diaper. You see, my once vey little Shobz is now in biggie size (cloth diapers for toddlers) already, as she has outgrown her OSFM Pockets. Some of her HFs and fitteds still fit, but absorbency wise, the biggies/XL dipes do the job better.

Cloth Diapers for Toddlers

I must admit, she is now a full grown toddler. She now gets random dirt in her nails because of kalikutan! Hay time flies by soooo fast. Gone were the days I would have to wash her diapers every three days. She now just wears her CDs during naptime, when we are outside the home, and at night when sleeping. The CDs though are all super sulit because the regular sized ones are now being used by the little guy– pinks, hearts, flowers and sweet stuff prints included!

Truly, cloth diapering has been a blessing to our family. It helped us save a lot (two in cloth, imagine how much we would spend for diapers?), no rashes and UTI bouts so far for Shobz and Shots (compared to Achiebelles who had UTI three times until toddlerhood). We also do not have to dump trash every so often because we do not have much to throw (a big help for a yaya-less mom like me).

(Post Continued Below)


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Captain Barbel is also in to the whole cloth diapering thing as he helps too with the prewashing, and loading in the wash! Stuffing meantime is a family activity with the kids (especially Achie who has been so helpful). We stuff and fold while we watch cooking shows on TV.

If you are interested in cloth diapering your soon to be child, or you are considering to switch to cloth but don’t know where to start,I have in the website a section filled with local cloth diapering information (click here) . From different systems, inserts, accessories and where to buy them (Here’s where you can buy biggies). Laundry routine, detergents to use, and even where to get stuff for DIY cloth diapers. We also have info on cloth wipes and where to buy materials for it should you wish to do a DIY. For those living in apartments, condos, flats and tiny homes, we have an article on dealing with cloth diapering in small spaces. Ill soon write about having two in cloth, that I promise because some may get too overwhelmed with the thought — BUT it can be done! We do not have house help, I tandem feed and we have two in cloth, if I can do it, you can do it too! Sayang ang savings!

I also have a feature on local cloth diaper WAHMS that are just so talented. I invite you to give cloth diapering a try, and soon you’ll be typing in *mine* as fast as you can!

Till next post everyone. If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed. You may also follow us on our Instagram and Pinterest Accounts! Hope you could find the time to hit the like or follow button in these pages.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with a video on cloth diapering for toddlers:


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