Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to buy Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers in the Philippines

Wondering where you can buy Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers in the Philippines? (Photo Credits)If you are looking for Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers particularly their bestselling All-In-One Cloth Diapers or AIOs then this post is for you.

I have here a list (I am not claiming this is complete!) of shops where you may order Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers:

Here is where you can buy Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers in the Philippines:

  1. Dandy Nappy Page – Of course they have their own page, and I have noticed that they have ran out of the design that you are looking for, they will refer you automatically to their resellers. They also have pre-orders. Check out their Facebook Page here.
  2. Mommy HQ – This Facebook shop also carries Dandy Nappy as one of the cloth diaper brands that it retails. They have a lot of nice Dandy Nappy AIO prints to choose from, and they have it on-hand. Go to their FB Shop here.

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3. Nappy for Baby – This Facebook shop is another authorized reseller of Dandy Nappy. They have a lot of irresistible Dandy Nappy prints to choose from as well. Check out their FB online store here.

4. UPDATED MAY 20, 2016: RA & AL Shop — is an FB-Based online shop that sells  Dandy Nappy Pocket Diapers, and even the custom ones. Check out their FB Page here.

You may also join pre-order events, and group buys for Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers. You may also buy pre-loved Dandy Nappy CDs from Buy/Sell/Trade Groups.

So there you have it hope you will soon be able to get your hand on the Dandy Nappy Cloth Diapers you have been wanting to try. I promise to update this post once I learn about more shops where Dandy Nappy can be bought.

If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!


Leaving you with a video on the pros and cons of the All-in-One Cloth Diapering System:


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