Again, if and when I still missed some more WAHMs (not a cloth diapering expert, remember?), please let me know through the comment below or though my Facebook page.
So to the moms who are still researching about HFs hope this post will help you.
Here is part 3 of the list of Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines:
- Cottony Tail – One of the most sought-after brands of HF Diapers. The WAHM behind CT describes her products as “Soft, fluffy, and fashionable modern cloth diapers, handmade with love in the Philippines.” Her products include: modern cloth diapers, quick-dry inserts, zorb boosters, cloth diapers matching tees, and other handmade products for babies. Check out her FB Page here.

- We Love Fluffy Pwets – One of the most loved HF brands, Fluffy Pwets, according to its FB Page “is the first and the original line of hybrid fitted cloth diapers made from imported materials and handmade in the Philippines.” Apart from HFs, FP also offers ternos, cloth diapering essentials, trainers, accessories, feminine products and more. FP is also the official retailer of BGs in the Philippines. Check out its website here. If you want to read more on the performance of fluffy pwets, and know more about the WAHM behind it, check out our past feature on Mommy Tina.
- Happy Tush – “To serve and Protect our babies’ bums” is what this Local WAHM is aiming for. Apart from HFs, Happy Tush offers HT Liners and Pads, Key Chains, Suck/Drool Pads, Dresses, Ternos, and more. Check out her FB page here.

Related Posts:
- Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines Part 1 and Part 2
- FB and Online Cloth Diaper Sellers Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
- Where to Buy Cloth Diapers in Manila
- Where to buy Bum Genius Diapers in the Philippines
- Signs That you are a Cloth Diaper Addict
- Tips for Drying Cloth Diapers During the Rainy Habagat Season
- Cloth Diapering Tips from Experienced Pinay Mommies
- How to Disinfect your Washing Machine
- Wala si yaya? Possible Solutions to #YayaProblems
- Local Breastfeeding information — where to buy efficient pumps, super fab nursing bras, chic BM coolers, fenugreek supplements, and lactation cookies
- Where to buy DIY Party supplies
- Sparkling Rainbow Cloth by Khaye– How could you resist the adorable HFs this WAHM makes? In her FB page she says “I loved puzzles when I was a child, and making “halfties” and other “jigsaw cuts” is what I love about cloth diaper sewing. I get excited over fabrics. I love colors but wear mostly black. Come into my world.” Well, you may enter that world through her FB Page here. Apart from wonderful Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers, Sparkling Rainbow also carries ternos, dresses, and even HFs for your little girl’s baby alive doll! How cute!

15. Bebe Bottom by Melxhake — WAHM Mommy Mel describes her products as ” handmade with love and caress by Mel.” Apart fro wonderful Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers, Bebe Bottom also has Embroidered Modern Lampin, PUL Pockets that as she describes are “Beautiful PUL prints for your precious little ones, all made with kilig by Mel.” Check out her products in her FB Page here.

Again fellow mommies, if I missed out on anyone please let me know.
I still am waiting for approval to join some HF closed groups so once I get that I will update this entry. Happy Shopping!
here is Youtube Video of HFs made by foreign WAHMs. You may want to check out this comparison video:
*Edited: 10PM to complete batch 3