When the DIY, naturalista and frugalista bugs bite us, we would like to try out homemade versions of everyday stuff that we use.
Moms like us use laundry detergent all the time, and I am sure, I am not just the only one wondering if I can make a natural and homemade detergent in the Philippines that I can use. The frustration however comes when you try to research and most of the recipes you see call for ingredients that are not locally available.
For instance, washing soda is not widely available in our country (although you can buy it here), and essential oils are available but are not as affordable as we want it to be. (Check out these essential oils gifted to me by my US based sister in law, you may get it here too if you wish). UPDATED, there are affordable pure essential oils in sampler sizes in some of the shops mentioned in my updated article >>>>here<<<<<<
Anyway, allow me to share with you some of the DIY detergent recipes that I have discovered, experimented on and tweaked a bit so as to conform to what is available in our local supermarkets.
Recipes for natural homemade detergent in the Philippines:
1. LIQUID HOMEMADE DETERGENT — This recipe from tipnut.com calls for just three ingredients: Water, Grated bar soap (think ivory), and two cups of baking soda. Check out the procedure here.
(Post continued below)
You may also want to read:
- Where to buy Essential Oils locally
- Where to buy castile soap
- Where to buy accessories for EO DIY projects
- DIY Homemade and Baby-Safe Anti-Mosquito Spray
- How to make DIY Dishwashing Liquid
- Seven ways to save on Grocery Shopping
- Legitimate ways to earn money from home
- Seven Filipino Ulam Recipes under P100.00
- Where to find Katsa or Flour Sack Cloth for DIY Cloth Diapers
- How to Disinfect your Washing Machine
- Where to buy washable Menstrual Pads
2. COCONUT OIL BASED LAUNDRY BAR SOAP – This DIY recipe from mommypotamus.com is fairly easy to make, and just needs a super common ingredient available in our country which is coconut oil – not even the extra virgin that is quite expensive. Just the usual coconut oil. This actually reminds me of Perla. Anyway, you will also need Lye, which is available in hardware stores (Ace), and then water. You may wanna add an essential oil if you want fragrance but it is entirely optional (i love lemon EO for this particular recipe). Anyway, check out the procedure here.
3. POWDERED LAUNDRY DETERGENT — This recipe from wellnessmama.com calls for Washing Soda (I know, I know this aint available here, but you can make your own by turning your baking soda into one as shared by onegoodthingbyjillee.com here) UPDATE: THERE ARE SOME SHOPEE STORES THAT SELL WASHING SODA SO CHECK THEM OUT or if you want the easy way just get it here. Then you will need some borax – you can get this one from hardware stores but not the ones in the malls, the ones beside your subdivision or along the road! For some reason true value, ace, and handyman does not carry borax, but the small hardware stores do (PLUS AS AN UPDATE THERE ARE SOME SHOPEE MERCHANTS THAT SELL BORAX AS WELL). And then some grated coconut oil-based bar soap like PERLA. Click here for the step-by-step instructions.
So there you have it. Hope you could indulge your inner DIY Diva soon and try out these recipes. J
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Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this DIY Video on Homemade detergent:
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