Our Ninth Work-At-Home Mommy of the Week, is a mom of two adorable little boys. Her love for cloth diapering made her try her hand at sewing, and now she is a proud local WAHM that makes customized, hybrid-fitted diapers that are according to her – are handmade with love.
Without further ado, presenting to you,
Happypinaymommy.com’s WAHM of the WEEK #9, Mommy Aiko Cortuna of Little Bubba’s Bum Cloth Diapers.

Mommy Aiko, as she is fondly known in the cloth diapering community has been sewing hybrid-fitted diapers for more than a year now. Apart from Hybrid fitted diapers, Mommy Aiko now sews Muscle Tees, Raglan Tees, Accessories for Soft Structured Carriers like Tula Baby Carriers, PUL Pockets, Leg Warmers, and more recently HF’s with the baby’s birthstats.
Mommy Aiko says she wants cloth diapering moms to try out hybrid fitted diapers, so she makes an effort to sell her customized diapers at a more affordable price. This while making sure, that each piece is handmade with love – just as if the diapers will be worn by her sons.
Read on the excerpt of our conversation with Mommy Aiko Cortuna of Little Bubba’s Bum Cloth Diapers:
Happypinaymommy: When did you decide to be a WAHM?
Mommy Aiko: I started in October 2014. My little one was 14 months old and has been cloth diapering for six months at that time
HPM: What made you decide to be one?
Mommy Aiko: Honestly, some of my friends were the first to start sewing their own cloth diapers or doing DIY CDs. Then later on I got interested because of the cute prints and the savings so I tried to DIY. I bought a mini sewing machine. At first, I gave my outputs to my FB friends until I started selling/customizing.
(Post continued below)
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HPM: What is the greatest challenge you have faced in relation to being a WAHM?
Mommy Aiko: Time, sleep. I have two kids, I only sew when they are asleep. So I only have limited time in front of the machines.
HPM: What advice can you give to those who may want to become a WAHM?

Mommy Aiko: “Ipagtahi nyo ang customers nyo na parang ipinagtatahi nyo ang anak nyo.” Set aside your bad vibes, enjoy.
HPM: Who inspires you?
Mommy Aiko: My kids, I’m doing this for them
HPM: Can you describe your products?

Mommy Aiko: Green and clean. I made them with love. I also want to offer prices which is not so high so many mommies can afford.
Like our past WAHM of the WEEK features, we also asked around about Mommy Aiko’s products.
Mommy Monica, who has a super-fast heavy wetter baby is all praises about Mommy Aiko’s custom made HFs. “Just last week, I started using LBB hf on my baby at night. Boosted with 4-layer hemp cotton fleece insert and with a PUL cover (flairy cloth diaper cover). I was amazed by its performance. 3 hours and there were no leaks. Soakers were only half-soaked. Shell was still dry. To think that it was raining that night. My baby consumes about nine ounces of milk and water in total before dozing off. Tried it again the following night and I got the same result. That’s why I didn’t think twice about “saying mine” on her stocking last August 28. Scored three HFs and a free fitted. Woot!”

Another happy client is Mommy Jheng. “I can say that Little Bubba’s Bum is one of the best local hfs I’ve tried… Her stitches are good and the soakers are very well absorbent… What made me try her work? Uhmm.. I think it started when she was trying to make her own hf, she inspired me to make also but unfortunately i don’t have much patience to sew.. We became online friends as she is very responsive to all of my questions, i was new then to sewing.. As in first time naka hawak ng sewing machine.. i love all of her works.. And by the way lets support local WAHMS.”

So there you have it. Hope you got to know the mommy behind Little Bubba’s Bum a little better. If you have a Work-From-Home-Mom that you would want to be featured, please feel free to head on over to my Facebook Page and leave me a message. Please hit the like button too so you could receive updates from Happypinaymommy.com directly on your newsfeed.
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on Hybrid Fitted Diapers: