Looking for a great give-away for your kid’s party, or you just plainly want to make one that is safe for your school-aged child to use?
Here are some recipes of Homemade Kid-Friendly Hand Sanitizer:
- Lambanog or Vodka Based Hand Sanitizer – This recipe for hand disinfectant as published by Growing Up Herbal makes use of 80-proof vodka which you can substitute with local and cheaper alternatives like the lambanog. If you do not have aloe vera plant at home you can even buy an aloe vera gel in any pharmacy. Citrus essential oils can meantime be brought here http://ho.lazada.com.ph/SHGlR2, or you may want to check out my previous post on where to buy essential oils.
- Aloe-Vera Based Non-Toxic Hand Sanitizer – If you have an Aloe Vera at home then make use of it by extracting the gel and turning it into a non-toxic hand sanitizer for your kids! You can always propagate some if you want to have a steady supply of free homemade natural sanitizer. Here is a good recipe from Wellness Mama. Apart from Aloe Vera Gel, you will have to add Tea Tree Oil extract for the extra all-natural Anti-bacterial property. You may find Tea Tree Oil Extract here.
(post continued below)
You may also want to read:
- Where to buy Citronella Plants
- Places where you can buy Tawa-Tawa for Dengue
- Where to buy Essential Oils in the Philippines
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- Local DIY Party Resources: Where to buy DIY Party Supplies, Supplies for your DIY Candy Buffet, Where to order Bento Party Meals etc.
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- How to make your own homemade detergent using local ingredients
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- Easy to make Fabric Conditioner Recipes
- How to make DIY Mosquito Repellent Lotion
- Vinegar-Based Hand Sanitizer –— Could just be the easiest natural hand disinfectant to make, however one may be hesitant to use it considering the sour scent of vinegar. Well, as shared by Mom.Me here, adding some drops of Lavender essential oil can do the trick. After all, even on its own, the scent of vinegar will definitely dissipate. Buy Lavender Essential Oil here.
- Tea-Tree Oil Based – Is a non-aloe vera-based chemical-free hand sanitizer that has great anti-bacterial properties. It mainly makes use of castile soap, and Tea Tree Oil and distilled water placed in a recycled spray bottle. Get the step-by-step instructions here.You can buy tea tree oil here and Castile soap here.
So there you have it, I hope you were able to choose a great kid friendly hand sanitizer for your child to use. I will be updating this post as soon as I discover more chemical-free hand disinfectant recipes.
Please drop by my facebook page for feedbacks, comments or suggestions
Looking forward to hearing from you.
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on DIY Natural Hand Sanitizer.
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